4. Yes

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Walking back inside the office, Freen can feel Becky tensed with Freen's presence. So she stop at her mini coffee area to make 2 cups of coffee for both of them.

"U drink coffee?" Freen asked while took a glance at Becky.

"Y-Yes. Black p-please. Thank you." Becky said

Freen smiles to Becky hopefully can ease her nervousness but deep down she feel bad for Becky. Becky must be stressed out from the problems and now she have to think about Freen's offer. 

Freen had never offered stuff like this to anyone because she doesn't want to risk it if people suddenly get attached to her but she felt different for Becky. She somehow not worry or didn't overthink if Becky will ever get attached to her if she accepted her offer. 

After done making the coffee, Freen carries two glasses towards her table. She places one cup in front of Becky before bringing hers walking towards her seat. 

"Nam told me my meeting later was postponed, So.... we have tons of time to talk about the offer, that if you don't have any plan after this" Freen says while sipping her coffee.

Becky on the other side take a sip of the coffee also felt relieve because she really needs time to talk to her boss about the offer before agreeing to it. 

"Thanks Ms. No, I don't have any other plans after this and i think we should really talk about the offer. I-If Ms. Freen do not mind, can you tell me what exactly i should do if i accepted the offer?" Beck asks carefully.

"Well.... It involve anything as in ANYTHING which mostly you have to follow what i need. Sex, companion, partner, work, or basically what i do everyday. Don't worry I am not some kind of bad people that treat people like slave but I just need those because of some reasons that i can't tell you this early. And this will only be our secret, well... some of the people close to me will have to know about our deal because yeahhh they been with me through my hard time but still i can't tell you what and why"

Becky look at Freen and studied her reaction, Freen seems to say it sincerely like she just need all of that because she sounds "lonely".

"Eerrr... isn't that sounds like a slave too?

"Not really. Well I don't like being forced so I will also not force people to do what they don't want to do. If i really really need it and you can't give it at that time... emmm... maybe we can talk it out, try to figure out something that will do maybe? But on top of that, I won't force you. Thats why i won't call it slavery"

"Erm... lets say if i agree, how can doing that all pay my debt to you? Until when I should do it with you?" Becky must know about this because the offer seems not bad at all because afterall Freen sounds like she just need sex companion and maybe someone can spend time with her, and Freen also says that she won't force thing so maybe it's still okay? 

"How about 3 years? 10millions is not a little money plus... like I said all expenses on me so you got to enjoy things i enjoyed for free. I won't charge you any interests but just make it 3 years and after that, I will let you free. All by your choice. Look Ms. Armstrong, I won't tie you up with me because you still young and has a lot to explore, and just say you got unlucky for meeting this kind of trouble. I'm willing to help but... I also need help for this kind of thing.. you know all the companion thingy, so let's help each other, I will make sure your family will free from debt, and better, I will make sure after 3 years, you can give better life for yourself and your family. All I ask only your loyalty during this deal ongoing and keep this deal to ourselves even the deal end. Please don't betray me"

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