17. Girlfriend

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Chapter 17 for 17K reads!!!! 

Sorry guys I wasn't be able to update yesterday as I was away from town and when I'm back, I fell sick. I barely could finish writing a chapter because my head is banging.

Thank you so much for keep supporting me even i couldn't update for 2 days!!! 

Love Love y'all!!


** In Kade's Lab

After making love, Kade start examine the pill that Josh brought for her while Josh work on his laptop in Kade's lab. After some time of silence, a loud gasp can be heard from Kade. Kade found something unusual that she never encountered the whole life she became a forensic.

Josh hurry to her side. Kade started to speak "Josh, from what i tested, this is a painkiller. However, this is not a common pill that we can get from any pharmacy. This is...... totally insane!"

"What you mean?" Josh can see Kade was freaking out, which is quite abnormal for Kade because she had done tons of weird and horrible autopsy on dead body, but she always calm handling all those thing. Well isn't dead body way horrible than a pill? But now, all he can see from her lover is totally different from her normal self, which mean, this is serious!!

"Normal painkiller was around 25mg the lowest and can goes up to 500mg, well that's the normal dosage that allowed to be taken by all of us. And for daily maximum dosage must not exceed 4000mg which even you did not exceed that dosage, your condition will be categorize in under supervision."

"How high is this??" Josh asked impatiently. He is feeling anxious because there is high possibility that his hunch might be right.

"This is over 8000mg babe. Worst, 8000mg in a single pill!!! Anyone who took this might suffer heart attack and.... I don't know. This is insane................H-how the hell a person gonna tolerate this dosage?" Josh remain silence. He is speechless now. Not that he is scare of this guy, he actually want to find him and put him behind the bar, but now this guys seems to have different approach in doing his thing, not to mention every thing was left untraceable. He is worry that this guy approach them without they knowing.

"The victim had been checked up but it was said they were drugged, only that, no side effect. The amount of semen on the floor and also their body was also a question to everyone because even if they were 'gan*ba**', it won't be that much of it. We had checked the cctv footage of the bar, there was only one camera pointed to the walkway to the toilet, before a corner turn to the toilet. Sadly no footage can be seen to the toilet door.  But the footage only show one or two people go to the toilet and they did walk out after. None of it show a group of people went to the toilet. I............ I have a strong feeling that this is him" Josh looks at Kade sharply.

Kade sit back, and let out nervous sigh. Josh can sense that his lover is scared, so he scooted closer to hug her. "I promise you non of us will get hurt. I will try my best to protect all my girls, especially you." Josh kisses her on lips, caressing her cheek assuring everything will be under control. 

"Babe, I admit I do feel scare, seeing all these girls was drugged, not knowing what happen when they are unconscious, but I actually worry more for Freen. I don't know why, I just feel like this guy will target on her again."

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