9. Past & Present

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Freen woke up first the next morning feeling happier than usual. An angel sleeping in her arm, hugging her tightly. Becky look exhausted. Freen kiss her forehead before slowing slipping away from Becky. She decided to let Becky rest more. It's Saturday after all. Freen wrote a small note and put it near Becky's phone so Becky can read it when she woke up.

Freen freshen herself, and go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Coffee and pancake. She then leave some pancake to reheat for Becky later while taking her coffee and a piece of pancake to her mini office in living room, it is located in the living but only separated with glass door.

Taking a bite of the pancake, Freen decided to read the agreement that Nam made for her and Becky. While reading the agreement, Freen curious with what actually happen to Becky's family, she doesn't want to do a background check on Becky but due to her curiosity and Becky asking 10millions to pay debt, she thought that she really need to know about Becky and how the hell her family can owe such a huge amount of money.

She grabs her phone and call Josh. After few rings, Josh answered.

"Hello boss, didn't expect you to be awake this early. hahahahahahaha!!! Anything I can do to assist you?"

Freen roles her eyes, Josh really tease her right away even Freen haven't say anything about Becky, Josh is sharp enough to know Freen had companion yesterday.

"Josh~~~ you tease me right away huh? so bad. I thought i'm your lil sister"

"hahahahahhaa!!!! because you are my lil sister thats why i tease you even more."

Despite only as her bodyguard, Josh treated Freen like her lil sister and would do anything to protect her. 

*Flashback 5 years ago

When Freen was kidnapped 5 years ago, there's also one little girl being held hostage by the kidnappers. Freen's parents gave the ransom money (1b) because Freen's family is billionaires) to the kidnappers, same goes to the little kid's parents (1m only),  the kidnappers still didn't let both of them go because they need them as subjects for their experiment - testing the growing penis potion. 

Freen see the little girl who only 8years old, crying non stop. Freen pity the girl even both of them are in same bad situation. When the kidnappers want to take the girl for their experiment, Freen keep pleading the kidnappers to let the kid go because she still small. 

Freen know that it is impossible to escape together but at least, one can be saved. Freen pleading non stop and also try to reasoning to the kidnappers, saying that if they want to do experiment, her body had fully develop so it's easier to see the result. In the end, the kidnappers was convinced by Freen so before they let the girl go, Freen ask for some time to talk to the girl. Freen hug the girl and held her head up to look at her,

"Hey lil sis, come on don't cry okay? Big sis here. Look listen to me. The bad guys will let you go later. Promise me, when they let you go, just go forward. DO NOT LOOK BACK! After you safe, ask for help okay? Listen to big sis okay? Please~~~"

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