29. Sharing

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Hello guys!! I wanna apologize again for late update. Btw I wanna inform that there will be some changes for the story update. Since my current health condition is not so good, so I will try my best to keep you guys update but maybe not long update most of the time, sometime short, sometime long. I hope this way won't make you guys wait too long for an update.

Thank you for constant support for my story!!!! Love Love~~~


Mrs. Chankimha re-play the video she got from Freen's tablet. She had watched it many times, that she understands how Freen fall for this girl. Seeing Becky's personalities from the video, and from what her friends describe about Becky, she started to like her and hopefully they would reconcile. She will do anything for her daughter's happiness as well as Becky too.

Mr. Chankimha saw her wife sitting on couch watching something from her phone, so he walks to her and slowly take a seat beside her. "You okay hon?" He puts his hand on her thigh, slowly caressing it while looking at her lovingly.

Mrs. Chankimha look at her husband with sad face, she shows him the video to which he wraps his arm around his wife's shoulder and watch it together. "Look at this girl, she got a quite bright personalities right? Freen's friend told me that this is the girl Freen dating right now and she makes her way happier than before."

Mr. Chankimha just nodded and watches the video till the end. "So.... she really pregnant with Freen's child and now she gone missing?" Mrs. Chankimha nodded.

"Josh can't found her yet?" He asked again.

"He did. But she begged them to not tell Freen about this yet. Seems like something happen to both of them before this kidnapping happen that make her don't want to meet Freen. But you can't tell Freen about this okay? I had arrange to meet this girl with the help from Josh. I will try to talk to her heart to heart before deciding what to do next." 

She has to make sure her husband won't tell Freen about Becky because she needs to know what actually happen. Becky is really a sweet girl and she hopes Becky can be her daughter in law one day.

Mr. Chankimha just kept silence as he was thinking whether to follow what his wife say or not, but after some deep thinking, he nodded. Before he can start talking, Mrs. Chankimha's phone rang. Caller ID -- Josh. She picks up the call.

"Hello auntie. All set. You may come and meet her at Tee's clinic. Please make sure you are not followed okay."

"Yes I will be careful. Thank you Josh." Mrs. Chankimha end the call and stands up, followed by her husband. "I need to go now, we'll meet for dinner later okay?"  "okay, be careful there"


A woman sitting on a bench in the garden at Tee' clinic. She just look at front blankly, with one hand caressing her tummy. She then looks up at the sky

"My love... How are you up there? You must be alone right? Mommy is sorry for not able to bring you to this world, mommy failed to protect you. Please live happily there my love. Please guide mommy..................... and daddy................ if daddy still want mommy. Mommy love you, so so much" 

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