33. Baby Step

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Hello guys!! Sorry for the late update. My work load is pilling since I've been sick for days, so now I'm back catching up the queue. Here's an update for today!!

Thank you for keep supporting my story!!! Please keep voting and leave comment to share your thoughts!!!! Love love!!!


Freen sitting on her chair in her office, finally resting after her 2hours meeting ended,  one hand massaging her lower abdomen while another massage her chest. Becky's punch is no joke, but she can't blame her, she deserves it, as long as Becky can forgive her and accept her back. 

She smiles thinking how she woke up this morning, having Becky in her arm. Yes, after their hot 'boxing' session yesterday, Becky allowed her to stay. Even Becky did not talk to her much, but she did not pushed her away so Freen take it a good sign to gain Becky's trust again.

Turning her office chair left to right, big smile pasting on her face since earlier because of their sweet morning.

***Flashback this morning

Freen startled by her own phone's alarm so she turn it off immediately, scared that she might woke up her queen. Turning back to her left side, she smiles seeing Becky snuggles closely to her chest, sleeping soundly with her cute little snore. 

She don't want this moment to end but she has to wake up since she need to attend an important meeting at 9. She slowly slipped her arm out of Becky, carefully not to disturb Becky's sleep. Her chest and lower abdomen are throbbing in pain and sore but she holds it, going to her car to take her spare set of clothes.

She wants to stay longer but worry she might overstay her welcome. She tried to walk normally while walking past the receptionist but once they are out of sight, she walks limping back to Becky's ward. Both of her hands were busy rubbing her lower abdomen and chest, until she enter Becky's ward. She stops walking, shocked seeing Becky had woke up.

"Oh sorry, did I disturb your sleep? I just go out to take my spare clothes to change and freshen myself, I might need to borrow your toilet, is it okay for you?" Freen rub her nape nervously.

"No you did not. Just...... I can't feel your warmth so I woke up. It's my normal waking time as well so don't worry. Urm... yeah I'm fine with it. Go on. Em...." Becky wants to ask something but she stops herself, unsure to continue or not.

Freen can see Becky is trying to say something, so she ask "What is it love?"

"You............ going to work today?" Becky tries not to sound like 'I want you to stay'.

"Ahh... Yeah... I have one important meeting today at 9, it's our client from England. Do you want me to stay hon? I can postpone it, I will rearrange our meeting"

"No no please don't do that. It's okay... Just go. I'm fine here." "But... Are you gonna come here at night?" Becky asks the second question in low voice, barely mumble, but Freen can catches Becky's question. Her heart jump in joy hearing Becky ask that.

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