40. Express Our Love 🔞

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"Let me show you how much I love you my future wife, my queen, my everything." Freen leans in to capture her lips, showing undefined amount of love from the kiss. Her hands unbutton Becky's pajama and once all buttons were taken off, she slid her hands to grope her breasts, but to her surprise, Becky did not wear bra.

Becky smirk between the kiss, pulls away to say "You will take it off tho, so... I'm just helping you save the time." she winks at Freen. Freen just bite her lower lip, 'how can this woman stay sexy all the time no matter in whatever state, damn!!!'

Freen waste no time, capture her lips again while her hands work on both Becky's breast. She clips Becky's nipples with her thumbs and index fingers, gives a soft squeeze on it. Becky's moan getting louder but Freen wants more, so she uses her thumbs to gently rub around the tips of her nipples, making Becky pulls away from the kiss to let out her loud moans.

Freen takes this chance to kiss down from her lips to jaw, down to collarbone, trail downwards until her mouth reaches her left nipple. Freen looks up just to see Becky still closes her eyes enjoying Freen's touches on her breast, she smirks. Freen then put a mouthful of Becky's  left nipple, suck it with her tongues licking the top of it.

"Fuckkkkkk Freeennn!!!! Oh goshhh!!! Keep going!! This feels so good baby!" Becky still closes her eyes, both of her hands gripping tightly at both side of the bedsheet as if her life depends on it. Freen pulls out her mouth, letting go Becky's left nipple in a loud pop sound. When Freen let go her left nipple, Becky finally got some time to breath properly, but Freen seems not planning to let Becky breath normally.

She then proceed to do the same thing to her right nipple, but this time, Freen level up her multi-tasking by teasing Becky's left nipple with her left hand, while her right hand goes down, slid inside her pants direct to fins Becky's nub. When she found it, she clip it with her index and middle finger, slightly move it to send waves of pleasure.

Becky is moaning uncontrollably now, having hard time to handle the 3 ways pleasure from Freen. Her left leg raise automatically, accidentally nudge Freen's clothed cock with her knee. Freen let out a groan because becky's knee is grinding continuously at her harden cock, she knows she can't last long if Becky keep grinding her knee that way so she need to be fast.

Freen slids two fingers inside Becky and straightly pump in and out making her yelp in shock. Becky slaps her chest hard "Baby!!! you should hahhhhhh~~~ warn!!!". She let go becky's nipple and rest her head at Becky's right boob, "Hon...s-sorry.... ahhh~~~ your knee..." Her cock is throbbing so hard because of Becky knee grinding, she wants free it so badly but she must focus in pleasuring her love life first.

Hearing Freen's moan, Becky knows she triggered her monster so she tried to make Freen cum just by dry humping her, but her plan stop when Freen added another finger, making it 3, thrusting her faster. Freen's long finger hit directly to her spot making her open her legs wider to allow Freen do the thrusting smoothly and faster. After some thrust, Becky grips Freen's arms, slightly scratching it with her nails, letting out her climax. 

"Babyyyyyy!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Freen slows down her fingers, but still moving in and out to help Becky ride out her high. Freen looks at Becky's face, admiring how pretty she is even tired from post climax. Becky still closes her eyes to calm herself down, soon the warm leave her body. 

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