25. Torture - 2

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This chapter still contain abuse / torture content but lightly so I did not put on the 18+ warning.


Freen, Becky and Heidi's family are all in Bangkok now and all of them were located at a highest security hotel to make sure no one can harm them. Josh asks Song and Nam to talk to them and comfort them the best way possible.

Josh finally get all the information about Robert's past, about how he planned the accident on his bestfriend, Rick (Becky's dad) so he can marry married to Mary, and also about the raping case that was done on Mary. However, knowing this is too late since Robert had start his action. Knowing these past is not giving any clue about the whereabouts. 

He also instruct some of his men with the help of police force to run a search around the city, especially secluded area  to see if they can find Robert's hidden place. He made sure that this operation was done as quiet as possible so the media and paparazzi won't intervene with their work.

Kade finally get the result of the syringe and blood stain found at the shovel and is now in Josh office to delivery the report. The blood is belong to Heidi and judging by amount of blood, it doesn't seems she was hit hard, she is bleeding but not to the point that she will suffer blood loss, not if they take fast action to find them.

The content of the syringe is some kind of sedative liquid, however the sedative liquid is not a common brand that used in their country. Kade seen some of the disqualified medication before and this brand of sedative liquid was banned in their country. The only way this thing can enter Thailand is buy illegally imported.

Seng manage to excess some dark web where tons of illegal stuff sells online, once they got the potential seller that usually try to enter Thailand, Josh makes several calls to his highest skills men to find the seller to see if any of them ever dealt with Robert. However this process might takes days so Josh trying to find another way to track them.

All of them seems meeting dead end in finding Robert's location, this guy is a pro that's why he able to hide himself for years. As some of Josh's men, Seng and Kade trying so hard to find clues, one girl entering their discussion room, her body is thin but fit as she had trained by his only and beloved brother Josh. Everyone was shocked with her presence.

"Phi, I want to help" Standing at the door, folding his arm and look sharply to Josh. She heard about what happen to Freen, Becky and Heidi from the private bodyguard that Josh assigned for her.

"No, Jillian" Josh answer right away, he had been protective over his sister after what happen to her 5 years ago.

"Why??? Phi , please. I really want to help. She sacrifice herself for me remember? Look I know you care about me, but I will definitely won't stay here do nothing knowing she was kidnapped by that horrible guy. If you don't want me to go out on field with you all, at least let me stay here help to brainstorm. I was one of his victim remember? What if his pattern same as before?"

Jillian tried to convince her brother to let her help. Josh once told Jillian about Freen finally finding the perfect match for her, and she looks way happier after that. This news make her happy as well and she always wishes her to have a long lasting love with Becky. Even she never met Becky, but listening from his brother's story was enough to know that Becky had filled the empty spot inside Freen. So now that Freen is in bad place, she will try her hardest to convince Josh to let her help.

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