51. NO!!!

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Nam, Song, are at the office comforting Becky. After their meeting with Lawyer Aroon yesterday, Becky's emotion gotten worst. Their friends keep check Becky time to time because having an unstable emotion during pregnancy is unhealthy.

*Flashback to meeting with Lawyer Aroon

"I'm Aroon Phak, lawyer assigned by Ms. Freen Sarocha to handle her property inheritance"

"Property inheritance? What are you talking about? Why did Freen prepare this so early? What the hell is going on?" Nam asked. Becky sat on her chair lifelessly, she is totally speechless from every single thing coming one by one.

"Yes, Ms. Freen asked me to get this done as soon as possible, as she said to prepare for anything worst, at least her child and the mother of the child have a secure future, so.... can we proceed?" Song guide Lawyer Aroon to sit around the table together with three of them. He proceeds taking out several piece of papers right after he take a seat and handed a set for Becky, a set for Nam & Song and one set for him.

"So as Ms. Freen instructed, 90% of her property--" Becky cuts him.

"90% of her property will be mine and our child while the rest share among friends and parents right?" Lawyer Aroon was shocked by Becky's question but he still stays calm.

"Yes. Ms. Becky. I guess maybe Ms. Freen had talked to you about it. So if you agree, just put down your signature at this side while witnesses Ms. Nam and Ms. Song will sign these parts."

"No she didn't talk to me about this. so, what if I don't agree?" Lawyer Aroon had expected this kind of response coming from Becky, but he stay calm.

"Even if you don't agree with this, her property will still be directed to the child's name as soon as the child is born. However, your permission before spending the money also needed, just the it is not under your name."

"So, more likely her property still goes to both of them no matter what right? what's the point of this though?" Song asked annoyingly because she can't understand why Freen prepare this so early, make it sounds like she is not coming back.

"Yes. Actually she just wants to make sure her partner and child have a better life if anything happen to----"

"STOP!!! JUST STOP IT!!! There is nothing bad gonna happen to her!! STOP saying that!! And please.... please stop discussing about this. I'm so tired"  Becky burst out after Lawyer Aroon kept saying all those bad probabilities.

"But Ms. Becky,--"

"You heard her Mr. Aroon, please stop pressuring her. There's too much happening today  it is seriously too much to handle, please spare her, she is pregnant." Nam cut Lawyer Aroon again. She felt really bad for Becky, after one bad news, come another.

"Sorry for that Ms. Becky, I don't mean to. Alright I'll give you time to think about it. I will take my leave now." But as Lawyer Aroon preparing to leave the room, Becky voice out.

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