45. Little Fight

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Becky is very quiet thinking about what happened earlier. She is sitting at the passenger seat in car with Freen going to her parents' house for dinner. Freen realize Becky unusual behavior so she reach out to hold her hand.

"Love? You okay? You been so quiet and keep spacing out ever since i picked you up, anything happen in the office?" She caresses her hand, hoping to sooth whatever trouble in her mind.

"I'm fine baby.. just a bit tired i guess" Becky's reply rather short and cold, Freen know that there's definitely something wrong.

"Hon, please... I know something is not right.. Care to share? Did I do something wrong?" The reason why Freen scare a lot because it reminds her of the past fight, it happened during party as well. Even as far as she remembered, she did not do anything unfaithful to Becky but she just can't help to worry if she did anything wrong without her realization.

"Why did you sounds guilty? Did you do anything behind my back when you were gone for how many hours?" Annoyed, insecure and overthinking, Becky just blurt out her negativity.

Shock by Becky's question, she stops her car at the side way, take a deep breath and look at her. "Where did that come from??? Honey I told you I need to run errand for our family dinner tonight, do you really not trusting me? I asked you because you look trouble honey, I just hope I can be your place to share what troubling you. What now, why are you accusing me being unfaithful?" Freen raise her voice slightly, she still try her best to remain calm but deep down she is truly hurt by Becky's accusation.

"I don't know, you told me. Now you told me why those models in our company calling you 'DADDY'? Are you sure you never entertain those models?"

"What Daddy???!!!! Honey I swear I never entertain them, I don't even know where did this daddy come from! Why did you accuse me like this love? Am i really that bad in the past that you just simply accuse me like this?" Freen started to get frustrated.

"Look, there are so many pretty models in the company, why did you try so hard to be with me? You don't have to change yourself just to be with me, you can just change the whole me"

"Hon what the f-----" Freen stop herself. She nearly loses herself. She don't know what she did wrong that she has to get this kind of treatment. Freen gripping her steering hard, looking out of the window.

"Tell me, what did i do? Tell me clearly in words" Her voice crack saying that. Becky heard her cracked voice, she turns to look at Freen, she can see how hurting Freen is. Realization strike, she had been unreasonable for the past few minutes and it is unfair for Freen. Now she feels guilty, she mentally curse herself for letting the negativity take over her.

"Babe, I.. I'm so so---" Becky's words cut when Freen turn to her, holds both of her hands tightly.

"Tell me honey. Did I not tried hard enough to prove my love? Am I really labelled as a cheater forever because of my mistake? Did I not deserve a second chance? Honey tell me, tell me everything. Pleasee I beg you. All these time I thought I tried my best to win you back, I don't even have any interest towards all our models.. Please tell me what i'm lacking. I will do better to be your partner, Just tell me honey, pleaseeee I'm begging you"

Freen lowered her head, crying so hard because the thought of she probably did something wrong and Becky might want a break up kills her. She doesn't want to lose her, she loves her so much. Becky immediately hug Freen tightly, she regrets her every words before.

"Baby, baby i'm so sorry. When i spend longer time at the party, i saw so many pretty models and that make me overthinking, baby i'm sorry. " Becky wants to continue to say more but Freen's phone rang, the screen pops out mom's.

Freen manage to look at the time, it's already past 6 meaning that they are a bit late. She can't pick up the call since she is not in stable state yet so Becky answer the call, not forgetting to holds Freen's hand.

"Hello mom. Oh she is driving and she forgot to link it to handsfree, she says we are near already. Sorry late mom, there's a bit of traffic here. We will get there soon. Love yaa mom."

By the time becky hang up the call, Freen prepares to start driving but stopped by Becky. "Let's talk about this tonight okay baby? I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I love you so much baby."

Freen did not say anything, she just take Becky's hand, bring it to her mouth and kiss it. 

"I love you, so so much"

Freen continues driving until they reaches her parent's mansion, the exterior design was jaw dropping, but what surprise Becky the most is the figures she saw when Freen parked her car near the front door.

Freen saw Becky's eyes wants to tear up, so Freen continues, "I picked them up at the airport and sent them here, that's why I was out for some time my love, i'm sorry. I promise you there is no one besides you in my heart"

In Becky's mind, 

Stupid Becky!! Stupid stupid Becky!!!!


Very very fast update since my working schedule is so hectic! Big apologize to all my beloved readers.

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