36. Our Story

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"I like, and trust Becky for you. But with agreement going on, sorry Freen, I don't trust YOU for Becky."

"Mom!! Do you really think I'll be unfaithful to Becky? Look I know I done mistake, but why you all seems to keep bringing this up? Am I really this bad that I don't deserve a second chance of your trust??!!"

Freen finally lose her cool, she is so done with them not trusting her. Firstly for not telling her that they found Becky, secondly they doubt her effort for Becky, now all the sudden talking about the agreement as if she really go after Becky for her body only.

"Freen, I don't understand. What is it so hard for you to rewrite this agreement? It's not like you are too busy to do that, even the past agreement was also draft by Nam, so what exactly your excuses is? For your information, I'm not bringing up about whatever happen between you and Heidi, what we are talking about is the agreement Freen, the agreement that you make her sign when you decided to help her with the debt and in exchange, she pleasure you for 3 freaking years! I know it wasn't written in the agreement loud and clear, but do you want me to show you which phrase is it stated the same meaning with your deal? If you love Becky, why bother keep that kind of agreement? Are you planning to make her stay because you know that as long as the agreement is still going on, Becky will feels that she obliged to stay with you because of the debt, is that it???!!"

Now Mrs. Chankimha slowly losing it as well, she is not the type of rising her voice when she gets angry but having the thought of her own daughter will keep those kind of agreement makes her lose it. Freen was speechless because her mom able to guess it right, she knows that even she tries hard to make excuses, her mom will still able to read her thought. Her mom is an observant type.

"I....." Freen tries to speak but words just caught her tongue. Seeing Freen actually unable to speak properly, her mom knows she guess it right.

"I won't stay here listen to your confession about it, its hurt to guess what you wants to do with it and its hurt even more knowing it might be true. But Freen Sarocha, this is not a way to keep someone you love, and as your mother, I love you so much that I would do anything to stop your negative act. If this agreement never rewrite, then I will be the one to pay her debt. If you are using money to make people guilty and stay with you, then I will also use money to free them from you."

"Mom!! You can't intervene with this!!! You know that this is my company!!"

"So? Now we are talking about the debt. You might forget but let me remind you young lady. Only written in Becky's agreement, Phrase 12, point number 5, it was stated that if the employee are able to pay off their advances earlier than due period, they are allowed to schedule an early contract renewal, whether to continue, or terminate. I understand this is your company, and like you said the agreement was made by you, so I guess you will have to follow what had written there if Becky paid off her debt right?"

Freen slumps at her chair, tired with the sudden attack from her own mother because there are truth in it. She closes her eyes while massages her temple.

"I'm really sorry mom, I just..... I love her so much, being away from her for 2 months is killing me, I can't bear another long distance. I..... I don't want this agreement already but the thought of Becky might take the chance to stay away from me is a nightmare." 

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