18. Buddies Hang Out

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After over two weeks Freen stay in Tee's clinic, she finally discharged and can go home or work like usual. Becky never leave her side, giving her care and attention whenever she needs. Becky moves out from the dorm to live with Freen which her bestfriend Irin lives with her girlfriend after that. 

They live in Freen's penthouse because Freen don't want to bring Becky back to their family's mansion, well... huge mansion, more maids.... no privacy. They lives in the penthouse like a newlywed, expressing love to each other wholeheartedly whatever they do, but only when no one else because they can't reveal their relationship out yet, at least not when the threat is not clear.

Speaking about the threat, after Freen and Josh talk the on the phone the other day, Freen had become more protective towards her surrounding, especially her love one, Becky.  She scares if the kidnapper really had come back, and decided to start his hunting again. However ever since, Freen had discharged, there is no new raping cases happen.

**Flashback to Freen and Josh phonecall

Freen : What do you mean he is back? How you can be so sure?

Josh : I am not 100% sure yet, but what happen to the victims, and the evidence he left there, it really look alike to what happen to you Freen. Tee told me that you encounter nonstop cumming, and the amount of semen that flow out was way too far from normal, that's what was left to the victim. The blood in the semen, and the pain you felt, it seems related as well because I do suspect that this guy felt the same pain as you felt, but he seems got a pain reliever.

Freen : So Kade says its an abnormal painkiller?

Josh : Yes. Normal people who took it will have likely suffered from overdose side effect. But don't mention the side effect, the existence of this pill also become a weird case. The government or  Ministry of Health will never approve this creation.

Freen : *Sigh* Josh, Please help me guard around my place. I don't want he ever find a chance to enter my company. We don't know if this is the same guy we want, but whoever is this, hunt him down Josh. I don't want he hurt any of my people.

Josh : I will Freen. I will. 

Freen : Josh? Can you help me with another thing?

Josh : What is it?

Freen : Can you find any data about whoever name Sakrodi? I don't know if it's a first name, or middle name or last name, just find it for me please?

Josh : I will run my data on this name. May I know what with this name?

Freen : When we did the last test, the one I can't stop.... you know... I suddenly remember everything they did to me during the experiment. One of the guy kept asking the other guy to stop 'doing' me but the other guy seems enjoying what he did. That when I kept hearing he calls out his friend's name, Sakrodi.

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