59. Another Planning

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Everyone stay at F&B mansion waiting if there will be call from Tina's mother. Heng has his men prepare their stuff there and Song did the same. Maid Betty prepare the guests room for each of them to spend their night there. She feels bad for the kidnapping and she prays non stop hoping nothing bad happen to Freen and her friends. Maid Betty had been taking care of Freen since she was small, her first kidnapping had change Freen's personality entirely which sadden her, until she saw the only woman that can shine Freen's world, she hopes for nothing but the guidance of God for her family.

Heidi, Nam and some of the escort men come back to the mansion after running a search around Tina's house. They brings back Freen, Josh, Kade and Becky's picture with blood stain  marking big X on their face. There is also a map of the Bangkok city, several places were circle so Heng instructs his men to look for the places immediately. 

The night pass and next morning come, all of them are restless because of worry.  Heng's men come back with disappointed, the places were all empty.

"This woman is freaking smart. I think all these stuff were left at the house on purpose for us to find and look for these places. She wants us to waste our time looking for it. But there must be something we can get from this map." Song scan every part of the map but can't find anything, this frustrated her even more.

At this time, everyone know the story about Tina and the anonymous number, Heidi kept apologize on behalf of Tina but everyone understand their situation so they forgive them. What matter now is to find their whereabout. Becky and Kade are so tired of crying, Tee and Yuki tried their best to make sure their emotion wouldn't harm their babies. 

Soon, Becky's phone rang, it is a video call and called by a hidden number. Heng and Song immediately prepared their tracking device if that caller is Tina's mother. They signal Becky to keep calm and answer the call, to which Becky follows.

She takes a deep breath, and answer it. Upon accepting the video call, she saw a scene that terrified her. Kade who sat beside her is terrified with the scene as well. The video show a dimmed light hall, Josh and Freen were tied at a customized wooden equipment, both of their shirt are wet from their sweat. 

They also can see Josh's cock  let out from his pants, limp and purplish swollen, his eyes are close and  down indicated that he is completely weak from whatever were done to them. On the other side, Tina can be seen tied on a labor bed with both of her legs tied up each side, and Freen were forcefully fucking her because of the moving cushion behind her hips. Freen is clenching in pain because of her not hard cock and constantly bended whenever she thrust her hip towards Tina.

"Enjoying the view?? These are your future spouse, taking turns fucking another woman. What a happy relationship you got. hahahahahahahaa!!!!"

Tina's mother, Daisy, spoke behind the phone. Heng and Song running their system to track her location, it frustrating them because seems like she knows how to make sure she is untrackable.

"What do you want from us, Daisy?" Becky speaks calmly, honestly, she was outraged and furious watching how she torture her beloved hubby. She tries to think of the way to find her, she must think of something as soon as possible. With Josh's condition, Becky knows Daisy will drain Freen as well so they must be rescued fast.

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