21. Party

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**1 month after the gang's bonding time

One month had passed after their bonding time. All of them back to their daily life like usual.

Josh had run Robert and Sakrodi name in the data but unfortunately non of it match the R.A.S initial. He had no idea how to search about it but he just has a bad feeling with this Robert guy. He then remembered that Becky said his father's car crashed happened due to losing control but the forensic's report show that the car crashed was abnormal, as if it was planned. However the case was closed since there was no new discovery.

 Could it be something really planned on that accident? Josh decided to dig the case involve Becky's family to see if there's might something he can get. It may took some times since he will face some difficulties in getting information for closed case. But he can't give up. He will try his best.

The raping case had been quiet recently making it even harder for Josh to find any clue to track his guy. He knows the guy is not stopping, perhaps just hiding to plan something big. They really need to be careful from time to time.


Becky had been so busy lately because after their bonding time, she only do internal office work since she can't really walk around freely yet, blame Freen for it. So after some days being fully recovered, she has to rush outdoor work since she is the one handle the big project that she manage to get when taking care of Freen at Tee's clinic the other day.

Becky working along with Nam and Song while Freen only observe their work and give approval for works that need her approval. 3 of them always work on field, leaving Freen making Freen feels lonely without Becky. But she can't keep ask Becky to stay with her in the office since she had promised Becky that she will let Becky handle her very own project for the first time.


"Babe~~ Please let me do handle this project as in HANDLING in on my own together with the team. Please don't get me wrong baby, not that I don't want to be with you, it just if you beside me all the time, i'm sure you will always spoiling me, which I don't want that. I really want to learn managing this work, being the leader. Pleasee baby~~" Becky pleaded Freen.

Seeing Becky pleading her to let her handle the project alone, Freen has no choice but to let Becky do as what she wants. She understand that Becky wants to explore her ability, and yes she should support that, but thinking that Becky will start being busy and will spend less time with her, she can't help to be selfish. 

But she needs to support Becky, so she agreed to  it. Becky was extremely happy that Freen let her handle the project, to which Freen realize when Becky started become so busy, she kinda regretted it.

**End of flashback

Becky realizes that she has not spend more time with Freen lately, and this is the first time they didn't make love a month, but the project's due date is nearing so she have to do a last push on it. Well actually there is also another reason Becky avoid making love with Freen lately because she scares she can't walk the next day and the project really can't delay any longer. 

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