27. Belated Surprise

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Q&A Answer.

I got several questions about how Freen's gang know about Becky's pregnancy, so here is this about.

Ans : Since Nam & Song already knew about Becky's pregnancy, so when the kidnapping happen, the gang were worried about this couple so they have to share any important stuff because they need to be found urgently. 

Sorry it look like I skipped some part of the story, I will try to improve my writing and story telling skills. Thank you!!! Love Love~~~


Freen shoot open her eyes, realizing she is at some kind of forest, so she quickly wakes up. Looking around, it was extremely quiet. She can hear the bird chirping, wind blowing and the sound of leaves rolling, blew by the wind.

All sudden she heard baby's crying, she immediately remembered of Becky and her baby. She stands on her legs and stand walking towards the sound. Every steps were hard as she felt throbbing pain and sore at lower part of her body, but she still continue walking.

She just walks without any destination, just keeps walking hoping to be near to the crying voice. As she keeps walking, the crying sounds can be heard clearer so she fasten her pace, my baby... wait for daddy... daddy come to get you and mommy okay? Please wait for me.... Becky my love, are you with our baby? Please be safe. I miss you and love you two so much!! 

When she getting to the sound, she can see a man's silhouette, with his back facing Freen. As the man turn to his side, Freen can see the man is holding a baby. She think of Robert instantly to which make her gone furious and ready to attack him.

"HEYYYYYY!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BABY???!!!!!! GIVE IT BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!" Freen run towards the man limpingly, her lower part starts to hurt so bad but she couldn't care no more. Her baby and Becky is all in her mind.

The man turn his back on Freen again, before running away from her. Seeing the man run, Freen keep tries her best to catch the man until she heard a woman's voice from the other side shouting


Freen looks towards the woman's voice, she can see it was her Becky who shouting. She slows down her running because the sight of Becky terrified her. Becky is wearing a white dress,  running towards the man as well with mess from crying. But what scares Freen is that she saw blood flowing down from her inner thigh, slowly getting more and more. When Becky can't run anymore, she just falls down with both her hands support her body, looking towards the man carrying their baby running away from them.

"BECKYYYYYYY!!!!!" Freen change her direction and running towards Becky to help her. But as she keeps running, the distance seems not shorten and she can't reach Becky. Becky just look at her running towards her direction, tears flowing down her face when she starts talking

"I'm sorry Freen. I failed you. I can't protect our baby. I'm really sorry". After saying that, Freen can see Becky's body fading. Freen tries her best to run to Becky but she still can't reach her.

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