34. Brother In Law?

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"Hello, May I speak to Khun Richie Armstrong?"

"Yes I'm speaking. May I know who am I talking to?"

"I'm Freen Sarocha Chankimha, your sister Becky Armstrong work with me, and...... is also my girlfriend."

"Is? or... was?"

The question is a pang in heart to Freen because she thought of making a good impression to her future brother in law, but the way Richie asked her means Becky must had told him about their relationship and their argument. Now she worries more if Becky's mom also know about them.

"IS. We are still together Khun Richie, just a bit complicated now."

"Just 'A BIT' complicated. Yeah....... or my sister is just someone you get all the satisfaction and then put her aside when someone new come into your life? What's her name.... Heidi?" Richie's voice raise slightly. Freen closes her eyes, she understand he is being protective towards his sister but his accusation kinda too much.

"I think that is too much Khun Richie, you don't understand what is happening and you also know nothing about me." This time, Freen reply in stern voice.

"You right, being away from my sister, not knowing who she got into, yes i don't know what is happening and know nothing about you, or should I say I also never gonna understand why you decided accepting other people's kiss even still in a relationship with my sister?"

Freen is speechless, all Richie said was unfiltered and its like thousands of arrow shoot her heart. This is not what she expected. She knows she had done mistake, but she tried hard to make things right because she really loves Becky, she just wants a second chance. She takes a long and deep breath before start talking.

"Khun Richie, I am terribly sorry for what I had done to Becky. Even me myself couldn't understand why I did not push away when Heidi kiss me, but I never kiss her back! I know even how many times I need to explain this thing, all the fault will always back to me, I admit it is my fault. But Khun Richie, I learn my mistake, and I want a second chance to make things right. I want to court her back, win her heart back, have her in my arm again. Please Khun Richie, I love Becky with all my heart."

"You made promises to her before, yet you broke it, so what make it different now? The only different is breaking her heart the first time and the next one is Second time??"

"No no Khun Richie. I promise you, I will take care of her like a queen, I love her so much. Please give me a chance to court her again." Even Richie being harsh to her, Freen keep note in her mind that she is in fault from the beginning, so she would do anything to win Becky again. Of course she needs to win the heart of her family first.

"So you calling me, just to ask permission to court her?"

"Yes, and.......... I actually want to ask you about her, what she likes and dislikes, her dream, just anything about her."

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