57. Everything turns black

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Song grips the person's arm hard, all these time she wishes her suspicion were wrong but what she saw today tells everything. She is pissed, mad, disappointed to see someone within their group is a relationship breaker.

"So- Song.... I... I was just around this area in coincidence. I... I...." Song glare at her making she stop talking.

"Seriously Tina? You still wanna lie?? You still tries hard to comes up with stupid excuse like this? We call the anonymous number that disturb Freen before this, how did the call goes to you? How the fuck you know Freen is here?!!! Stop the shit Tina!!!" 

Song's grip getting stronger and it's hurting Tina, mainly also because there were existing wound at her arm so it hurt a lot. Becky saw everything from the glass room, she also see how Tina was hurt by her arm, she stands up and walk to the room, followed by Nam which Nam signal the men to stay and always be alert.

"P'Song, please let go of her arm. Thanks for your help." becky said once reaching the front door of the room. Tina's expression turn fear after knowing Becky is there too, her tears keep flowing.

"N'Beck, lets just send her to Josh, let him handle her--" Before Song finish her words, Tina turns scares so she quickly kneels down, shaking her head furiously.

"no no noo pleaseeeee!!!! I'm begging you please don't send me to Josh, I.. I don't want to go to jail, pleaseeee!! I know I was wrong!!! I'm so stupid for causing all the mess, I promise you I will never do that again, just please don;t send me to jail... I'm begging you!!!! I work so hard to be a model, i.. I can't lose all of these!!! I can't go back to zero..I'll be dead!!! Pleaseeeeee!!!" Tina begging non stop making Song speechless.

Becky can't help to see Tina's continuous begging, she walks forward and gently guide her stand up. Everyone surprise with that, including Tina but she hug becky's leg and keep crying. Just on time, Heidi appears at the front, panting hard. She is shock seeing Tina kneeling. At that moment Heidi thought Becky already know everything so she rushes inside wanting to ask for forgiveness.

Nam who stands at the front door thought that Heidi is Tina's accomplice since they are a couple, so she stop Heidi from getting near to Becky. Heidi understand the situation, she kneels down immediately to ask for forgiveness.

"Becky, we are so sorry for whatever we done. But please, if you gonna give punishment, i'm ready to accept whatever consequences for our wrongdoing, please let Tina go. I'm begging you Becky. She had gone through a lot from her terrible mom, please let me take all the punishment!! Please Becky!!!" Heidi cries harder while begging.

Hearing that, Nam, Becky and Song look at each other, seems like there is something happen forcing them to do all of these. Tina and Heidi just kneeling begging for mercy while Nam and Song waiting for Becky's decision. After seconds of thought, Becky nodded to Nam and Song.


It is weekend so Freen decided to spend time with the boys for their wedding preparation. She had promise Josh and Heng to go around famous shops in Bangkok to find gifts for Becky and Kate. Heng told them to start without him since he needs to bring her mom for hospital review and they will meet up around 3pm and *** cafe.

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