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I ran out of that room so fast that my feet were barely touching the ground. I don't think Usain Bolt would catch me right now.

I ran to the backroom of our shop, grabbing my jacket. I need to hide the blood on my shirt. I'm a mess. I guess the police were still not here, so I had the time to run. No one can see me. Running out of the shop, I couldn't see the little girl. I hope someone found her. But I have bigger things to worry about, like my life.

I got into my car, watching my hands shake as I gripped the steering wheel. Only now did it start truly hitting me that I could have died minutes ago. All that adrenaline is wearing off, and the fear is coming in instead.

Home. Go home. I kept muttering to myself as I started the car, stepping on that pedal a bit too hard. I was home in no time, sprinting through the door, then locking them frantically.

I started ripping off my clothes within seconds of getting in there, stripping down. I'll burn it all. Even my underwear.

My hands were still shaking as I poured oil over the clothes I threw in a deep pot. I lit a match and took a deep breath before dropping it on the clothes. I watched the flames start and grow bigger, and I hadn't moved until I was sure the clothes were gone. I had a feeling like that silver guy was really watching me. Those eyes... I'll be having nightmares about them.

I had the longest shower of my life, scrubbing my skin so hard I almost bled. I want no traces on me. Of anything. No blood, no gunpowder, no dust. But no matter what, I can still feel that knife edge on my throat. Like a little stingy feeling. Like it's still there.


'Oh my God! You're okay!' Lee ran to me, hugging me tightly as soon as he saw me coming to work

'Yeah, yeah. I ran out of the mall the first chance I had. I told you I'll be okay.' I hugged him back, lying through my teeth. 'Where did you hide?'

'I went to our toilets and then ran out when the police came. Good thing I was in the toilets because I almost shat myself.' He sighs, and it made me laugh a bit, even though it was a horrible situation

'Do we know what happened?' I ask him

'Some guy went on a mad one and shot 2 people. He only injured them, but no one can find him. They even checked our shop and all, but no one knows where he is. The cameras were not working anywhere in the mall as it all went down, so the police couldn't find a thing.'

'Jesus. That is insane.' I mumbled, pretending not to know a thing. If only he knew I watched the guy get killed...

'The police might come in and ask questions as well. I think they are currently doing rounds around the other shops, too.'

'Not much I can tell them, but I guess it's all normal.' I nod, but I'm honestly feeling like I'll be sick. What if I say something wrong?! Crap, crap. No. I can't think like that. I won't say anything.

But an hour later, we had visitors. An officer came and was asking questions. He spoke to both of us and another girl that was working yesterday, but she left just before it all happened.

'I heard the shots and ran to the bathroom. I saw nothing.' Lee says

'What about you, miss? Have you seen anything or anyone?' He turns to me

'No. I kind of fled. I ran out as soon as I could.'

'What about the girl?' Lee asks me, getting the officer to look at me as well

'What girl?' The officer asks me. Fucking hell, Lee. You're just shitting on me right now.

'There was a girl on the floor, and I helped her up, but she ran away from me, so I don't know where she went after that.' I lie

'One moment, please.' The officer says and goes through his little book. 'We had a statement from a lady who told us that her 6 year old daughter was saved by a waitress. Was that you?'

'Umm, maybe. The little girl seemed about the right age.' I nod. At least she is safe. Good.

'The girl said that a man with a gun hit her and took you away.' He looked at me under his eyebrow, waiting for an explanation

'What?!' Lee exclaimed at me, his eyes going wide in surprise

'I'm- I'm sorry. What?' I play dumb. 'I haven't been taken anywhere. I literally ran away and went home.' I lie once more. Just what I said I hate to do. Acting. But it's serving me well.

'So the girl is lying?' He asks again

'Well, I don't know much about what a 6 year old can think, but maybe she was just in shock or something. I'm pretty sure I'm alive and well.' I chuckle nervously

'I figured it might be the case. Kids have wild imagination, and it could have just been the shock. Whatever the case, thank you for saving the girl. You're a hero to her mother.' The officer smiles

'I'm just happy the little one is okay and not hurt.' I smile back

'Apart from the girl, you haven't seen anyone else?'

'No, no one. I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help.' I bow

'Not at all. You've done well to run. Thank you both for taking your time. I'll be out of your hair right now.'

I felt relief wash over watching that officer strut out of our shop. I'm not looking forward to running into that guy ever again. Fuck that.

Back to my slave life now. Like nothing happened.

Except it did.


As much as I wanted to forget and play dumb, the next few days were not any easier. That feeling of dread was still softly lingering around me, making me feel uncomfortable at any clicking sound. I kept hearing those guns getting cocked. But what was getting me most was the sound of the knife cutting. Even at home, I tried not to use one.

I came home from work and unlocked the door. A crunching noise came from under my foot, making me look down. It was just a piece of paper.

I thought it was a receipt or something that fell out of my bag, so I picked it up and crumbled it, tossing it away. At least I wanted to, but something was telling me to look at it.

I straightened it out, reading what it says on it.

A bag dropped from my shoulder as my eyes were soaking in the words written in black, sratchy ink on the paper.

Nice apartment

I felt shivers going from my head to my toes. Someone's been in here.

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