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It was about 1 in the morning, and the guys just left for the port Iserum to wait for the shipments.

They paid me a visit, and Namjoon told me to drag my ass out there if she woke up, or he's gonna drag me there.

I still haven't moved. I smell awful even to myself. I only washed my hands, and that's about it. My clothes are covered in her blood, completely dried up now. Even my hair has blood in it. They tried to force me to eat, but they almost got a knife in their face, so they left me alone.

For a moment, I thought I saw her hand move. I stared at her fingers intently for some time after, hoping to see it happen. I think my mind is just playing tricks on me because I've been wanting it so badly.

I took her hand between both of mine, kissing it, then leaning my head on it, half praying, half begging. 'Please, wake up.'

'Rain?' I looked up in anticipation, feeling her fingers moving just the tiniest bit

She squeezed my hand a bit tighter, and her eyes moved a little, but they were still closed.

'Rain, can you hear me?' I got up and leaned over to see her better, but I haven't let go of her hand. My heart is beating a million miles per minute.

She started squeezing her eyes a bit more, trying to open them, and then she finally did. She fluttered them open just the tiniest bit.

'Rain, Rain. Can you hear me?!' I call her name, squeezing her hand

'Jimin...' she whispered my name

'I'm here. I'm here. I'm right here.' I felt like crying with so much relief coming over me

'Am.. am I dead?' She mumbled

'No, you're alive.'

'You're really here.' She mumbled again, and it looked like she was smiling. As far as the smiling goes when you're half-alive

'I'm here. Can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?' I put my other hand gently on her face, trying to he as careful as I can

It took her a second, but she nodded weakly, and then opened her eyes a bit more, scanning around before looking at me.

'You're hurt.' She whispered. This crazy woman is barely alive, and she is worried about me. I should be shot.

'No, you're the one that's hurt. And it's all my fault.' For fuck sake. It hasn't been a minute, and I'm already choking up. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.'

'It's okay. I'm okay.' She barely whispered

'You're not okay. You barely stayed alive. And I did this to you.' I cried

'I'm okay. You're here with me.' She smiled weakly

'I love you. I love you, Rain. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.' I don't think I'll ever find the words to explain how I feel. I should not exist. I'm not human.

'You love me.' She repeated after me, and her smile grew bigger, and a tear slid down the side of her face

'I'm so sorry, Rain. I'm so god damn sorry. I'm such an idiot.' I leaned in, pressing my lips to her forehead. 'I love you so much. So damn much.'

She let out the weakest giggle I've ever heard in my life. It's obvious she can barely breathe, and her throat is tired. Most likely from the screaming and crying.

'Jimin.' Her voice is becoming a bit stronger as she's waking up

'What is it?' I ask, softly caressing her

'I love you.' She smiled, putting her hand over mine, holding it on her face

'I know. I know you do.'

'You believe me.' She exhaled in relief

'I do. I was just angry. I was an idiot.' I sniffle

'Are you still angry with me?'

'Not even the tiniest bit. I promise.' I kiss her forehead again. 'I'm only angry with myself for doing this to you.'

'It's alright. I don't care. As long as you love me, I don't care what you do to me. Just don't leave me. Please.' She squeezed my hand, and I can feel a bit of strength coming back to her. Even her eyes seem to be open fine.

'I'm never leaving you again. I'm staying right with you. I promise.'

'Be with me.' She pleaded just like back when we spent that first night together.

'Anything you want. Just say it, and I'll do it. I promise.'

'Kiss me.'

I have to be careful with her, no matter how badly I want to kiss her and hold her. She's in enough pain.

I kissed her as gently as I could, pressing my lips on hers. I heard her giggle, so I pulled away

'What?' I ask

'You need to shower.' I think she might be fine after all. If she can smell me after just waking up from being dead, then I really need to shower.

'I know.' I chuckle. 'I didn't want to leave you. Shower was the last thing on my mind.'

'It's okay. I'm sure I'm not much better.' She jokes. 'This alcohol is burning through my brain.'

'I know, but it's for your own good. Taehyung said it's gonna help you heal faster.'


'Mhm.' I nod. 'He is kind of a doctor around here. He is the one who saved you. And Jin and Jungkook. They gave you their blood.'

'Where are they?'

'Isui told us everything. They are out on a job right now. I was supposed to go, but not a chance I'm leaving you.'

'Jimin,' she raised her hand, touching my face. 'Go. Help them.'


'I'm not going anywhere, and they need help. They helped me and you, didn't they?' She had a soft smile on her face

Does she have to make a good point?

'Besides, this is what you do.' She smiles. 'Go. Kill them all, and come back to me.'

'Rain, I don't want to leave. What if something happens to you while I'm gone?'

'I'm alright. I feel okay. I promise. And as good as they are, I think they're gonna need you. And I don't mean they need Jimin. They need the Angel of death.'

'Only you can tell someone to go out and kill people.' I sigh

'They're not good people. The world is better off without them.'

'I might end up in the hundreds tonight.' I've killed way too many already

'I don't care if it's thousands. I'll still love you.' She giggles again. 'Go. Help them. And be careful.'

'As you wish.' I kiss her again, then place another kiss on her forehead. 'I'll be back soon. I promise. I love you.'

'I love you, too.'

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