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'We have a problem.' Namjoon came into the dining room last, bringing his laptop with him

'Can't get through to your hackers?' Hoseok asks him

'No. I've just done that. And that's another problem. My main problem is her.' He points at me, and in an instant, 7 pairs of eyes turn to me, burning a hole in my face

'I haven't done anything!' I raise my hands to defend myself

'That's not what I meant.' Namjoon chuckles. 'See, I have set up these bots to ping me the moment anyone even types either of our names in a search engine. I got an alarm half an hour ago. Someone is looking into you.'

'What do they have so far?' Jimin asked right away, looking at Namjoon in anticipation

'From what I've seen, they haven't gotten far. Her official records only stretch so far. She had been deleted from the system, so they didn't look into that at all. Nothing to find. But they are going through your aliases.' He explains

'Good luck with that.' I laugh. 'I had dozens of those. None of them hold a gram of truth.'

'Might be so, but nonetheless, someone is searching you up. Luckily, it doesn't seem like they know your real name. They haven't gotten to Amonis just yet. Maybe they won't.'

'Do you know who it is that's looking her up?' Jin seemed a bit worried. Bless him.

'No name, but the ip address tracks back to Busan. But it might be fake. Do you know anyone in Busan?' Namjoon spoke to me in the last part

'Seroum cartel was in Busan. But that was 4 years ago, and they're long gone. Not one of them are still alive. I killed the head of the cartel myself.' I confirm

'Are you positive he's dead?'

'Three bullets in the head and a body disposed in a barrel of acid... I'd say he's dead.' I chuckle

'Acid?' Jungkook grimaced

'Erases all the traces and disolves even the bones.' I confirm

I noticed most of them shudder, which was kind of funny.

'Ignoring the disturbing part, it might be a good idea to change your name. The last thing you want is for them to find out your real name. But you need to change it legally. Fully.'

'Gotcha. But that takes time. It won't be in the system for about a month or so.' I have done this. I know how it works.

'Are there and other ways to speed it up?' Jin asks

'Can we report her dead?' Jungkook asks, and it kind of made me laugh

'We would need a body with her dna, and we don't have that kind of time. Besides, they know she's alive if they're looking into her. It would just make it easier for them.' Namjoon argues

'We could get married.'

Jimin's words made more than one person start choking. Jungkook was just filling his mouth with food when Jimin came out with this bomb, and he started genuinely choking on it so much that Taehyung had to save him. Hoseok wasn't much better either. His coffee went down the wrong pipe, almost killing him.
Even I spat out the juice I was drinking at the moment, spraying the liquid all over my legs and the table in front of me.

After the initial near deaths, the table fell silent, looking at him in more shock than I've ever seen on their faces. Me included.

'Jimin...' I wanted to say so many things, but not a single word apart from his name left my lips

'I'm being serious. Think about it. First, I have one of the most common names in the country. There are millions of Parks all over. It would make it 100 times harder for them to find you even if they dug deep. Second, it is the fastest way to change your name. It doesn't get much faster than that. And third, even if they tried to track me down as well, they couldn't. You said so yourself, my records are empty. The only person besides people at this table who knew my name was Isui, and he's gone. They wouldn't even know where to begin. It can protect you as well.'

He didn't stutter or go quiet. His voice was calm and steady as he spoke each word confidently. He didn't look away from my eyes either, making sure that I knew that he's serious. I also know that he's absolutely right. Everything he said is true and makes perfect sense, I'm just in pure shock.

'As much as I got a heart attack from this, he is right. You'd marry a ghost. And if they got to your name, they'd never think you would truly be married. No one in this line of work has a spouse.' Namjoon spoke in a softer tone, giving his opinion

'Breathe.' Jimin chuckled, letting his fingers glide over the side of my face. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until now.

'Sorry. I'm just... you gave me a heart attack.' I scoff in shock

He just smiled, letting go of my face. 'What do you say?' He asks. 'I do have to warn you, though. I'm not the romantic type, so I won't be kneeling down in front of you, and I most definitely don't have a ring.' We both laughed at that one. As if I didn't know that.

He took my hand in his, his fingers gently brushing over my knuckles. 'But I'm serious. Do you want to marry me?'

It looked like he tried extremely hard not to smile. His lips twitched in the corners before he tightened them up.

'Yes.' I barely pushed that one out, but looking into his eyes, there we no other answer. In a normal life, I'd be screaming that yes until I'm put down. I just never in a million lives expected this.

'Good. That's settled then.' He smiled, bringing my hand to his lips, pressing those soft lips at the back of my hand

'KISS HER YOU MORON!' Yoongi screamed so loudly that everyone ducked a little, then started laughing

'Better listen to the man.' Jimin smirked and pulled me closer along with my chair. Before I even got to react, his lips were on mine, sealing the answer I've given him only moments ago.

The 6 crackheads started applauding us and cheering us on. At the moment, it didn't feel like I'm living in this crazy life full of stress, anticipation, and constant worry. At the moment, all I felt was happiness. The man I love is kissing me lovingly. The man I love is going to be my husband.

I'm going to have a husband.

What. In. The. Fuck?

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