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There's little to nothing that I don't wanna do to her. My feelings for her must be stronger than I realize because I keep wanting her more and more. And not just physically.

Earlier yesterday morning, we were talking in the library, and I asked her what it felt like to love someone. I'm not an idiot, but I only asked to see if anything I feel, that I know I feel, is at least similar to what it's supposed to be.

She took her time to explain it all. Every feeling. Every thought. Every way she loves me. And it was terrifying.
The thought that everything else is deemed non important next to the person you love is dangerous. Instead of your own life, someone else's is more important to you.

But what scared me weren't her words. It was her. The way she was looking at me as she was telling me all of it. She is clearly hurting. Loving me is like a dagger to the heart for her, and it's hurting me.

What hurt me the most is when she said that I look at her like she's nothing more than a stranger.

I know I did. Only a few weeks back, it was like that. But right now, I wouldn't raise my voice at her, let alone try and hurt her. The more I'm around her, the more I feel like more of the things she spoke of come back to me. And not just like a feeling that I felt them before. I actually feel them.

I truly love seeing her beautiful smile.
My heart feels like jumping out at times, even at the little things she does.
I want to hold her and kiss those lips of hers until I can't handle anymore.
I love feeling her wrapped around me.
And no matter where I am, she is my focus. I can't concentrate on much else other than her.

All those are the things that I'm a million percent sure that I'm feeling. And I'm also sure that I want to love her. No matter how scary it sounds. I want to look at her the way she looks at me. I want to return every single feeling she has for me. I want it all back.

And having her all to myself last night, kissing and touching every inch of her body, feeling how she held onto me, the way she called my name... so much more is happening within me than I knew before.

'Hey, handsome. Whatcha thinking about?' She was smiling cutely at me, propping her chin on her forearms as she laid on my chest


'Something good or bad?' She lost a bit of that smile

'About how I'm getting some of my feelings back slowly. Is that good or bad?'

'That depends on what you want.'
She's trying so hard not to look sad or desperate. I know how much she wants me to love her. She wouldn't be here if she didn't. But she's not pushing it on me, which only makes me feel more sure about her.

'I want you.' It's as simple as that

'Well...' she smiles, pulling her necklace lightly forward, showing her ring. '... you took care of that a while ago.'

'I want to love you.' I repeat my words from yesterday, and even though she stopped smiling, her eyes seem a lot brighter
'I want to love you, Rain. I want to get it all back. I'm not afraid of it. Besides, I already feel a lot more than we both realize. See?' I took her hand, putting it over my racing heart

Damn that blinding smile. She's just making it worse.

'Your heart...' she giggled in that cute way

'I know. And it's because of you.' There's no other reason it should be thumping away like this. 'Will you please let me love you again?'

'You really ask silly questions.' She climbed on me like a little spider, her eyes glimmering with tears and a breathtaking smile decorating her lips before she pressed them on mine

'I'll take that as a yes.' I smiled, hugging her close to me

'I'll always love you, no matter what.' She nuzzled closer

'I know.'

His heart was racing because of me. And now my heart and mind are close to exploding with happiness. He wants me.

But we do have to try and get his memory back either way. He's lost a lot more than just this. And the first step is that moronic scientist.

'Someone had a fun night.' Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at me and Jimin as we came down. It was only him, Taehyung, and Yoongi at the table at the moment.

'She's really working on helping him with that memory.' Taehyung mocks, taking to Jungkook

'He sure was working on something.' Yoongi joins in on the snickering, pretending to scratch his neck as Jimin left a few marks

'Do any of you have an issue with it?' Jimin used that cold tone of his, staring the three of them down, making them shut up quickly. Now that's more like my Jimin.

'No, no. We're in full support.' Taehyung grins

'You don't have much choice.' Jimin sounded more like he's threatening than anything

'Did he get it back or something?' Jungkook leans over closer to me, whispering

'He got me from the back, other than that, no.'

I guess Jimin didn't see me joining in on the teasing and started coughing out his juice at my words. To say everyone was dying would be an understatement.
'You are worse than them.' He said through the strained voice

'So much worse.' I snicker

'What are you laughing about, you bunch of hyenas?' Namjoon came over at the sound of the guys laughing

'These two.' Yoongi was still chuckling

'Okay, let's skip it this time. We've got some info.' Jimin pulled us back. 'We found something last night. Here.' Jimin passed Namjoon a few papers with what we've got from the research

'Oh, wow. Damn.' He was chuckling in shock

'Can you try and find a picture of that person?' Jimin asks him

'Yeah, I'll go do that right away. Great job.' He practically ran off with them

'What was that?'

We saw the doctor coming down, lead by Hoseok, so Jimin just shook his head quickly, and they picked up on it.

'Morning, peeps.' Hoseok grins. 'You can sit here doc. You know him the best, don't you?' He sarcastically slapped Mabuchi's shoulders, sitting him down next to Jimin

'You've got 5 days before I kill you, so you can relax until then.' Jimin gave him that cold tone as well, which would do the exact opposite of relaxing him.

Surprisingly, Mabuchi spoke to him.
'Have you had any new dreams?'

'No.' Jimin deadpanned

'So, you slept okay?'

'I didn't sleep. I was... busy.' Jimin just keeps answering him flatly, but the others picked up on it and covered their faces, trying not to laugh. But Jungkook and Hoseok didn't get the memo, so they started laughing.

'Did I miss something?' Mabuchi seemed genuinely confused, and it's apparently extremely funny as the guys died around the table

'Doc, they were having sex all night. Ain't that hard to figure out.' Jungkook kept dying

'Oh.' Poor man looked horrified. 'I suppose you don't have to worry about your stamina then.'

The sideye he got from Jimin was half comical, half terrifying.

'Oh, I have an idea.' I switch the subject, talking to Jimin. 'Wanna train? Maybe if I smack you hard enough, it comes back to you?' I tease

'I would find it funny if I didn't fight you before.' He smiles. 'But could do. Can't hurt. Well, at least mentally.'

'I kind of missed getting beaten up by you.' I joke

'Were you always this disturbing?' He teases

'Yes.' All of them answered for me

He just nodded in understanding. 'Got it.'

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