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'Hurts?' Taehyung asks, cleaning the stitches he put on me yesterday

'Nah. I'm fine. Had worse.' A sullen smile was the best I could give him, but at least I'm telling the truth. I had a lot worse.

'You're better with pain than I am.' Namjoon chuckles at me. 'My jaw feels like it's gonna fall off. That maniac has a punch and a half.'

'Be happy it wasn't a knife.' Jungkook tells him

'Yeah. She got the shorter end of the straw.' Namjoon smiled at me

'At least he only stabbed me twice this time.' I join in on the joke

'You are so messed up.' Yoongi shakes his head

'Now you pick up on it?' Jungkook snickers

No matter the situation, they always find a way to make me laugh and crack a joke.

'So, what's the plan? We staying? Leaving? What do we do?' Jin asks

'They know that we know where they are. We need to leave and regroup. We know Jimin is alive, so we don't need to rush in. He is obviously keeping him alive to haunt her down, so we have time. Let's go back home and reset. Nothing we can do from here.'

'Home it is.'


Namjoon decided to change the codes in the system as soon as we came back, so the house went into darkness.

The last time this happened, Jimin and I spent the night together. It was the first time he told me how he felt about me. It was the night we ended up together.

'Feeling okay?' Yoongi nudged me, checking up on me

'Yeah. I'm good.' I don't know why I'm smiling. He can't see me in the darkness.

'Wanna play hide and seek?'

Pure silence for 20 seconds before everyone combusted into laughter at Jungkook's words.

'What an actual fuck?' Jin could barely breathe

'Come on. We can be kids for a few hours. What are we gonna do? Sit here and mope?' Jungkook whines

'You know what, let's fucking do it. There are a million places to hide in this mansion.' Yoongi snickers

'That's the spirit, Yoongia!' I can barely see him, but I bet anything he's got the biggest bunny grin on his face

'Who's the first to search?' Namjoon sounds more excited than anyone else

'NOT IT!' Everyone started yelling over each other, and Hoseok ended up being the last, marking him to be the one to find the people.

'Shit!' He laughed hysterically. 'Okay, okay. I'm counting down a minute. GO!'

He smashed his face into the pillow on his legs, dying laughing as all of us started running around in the darkness, running into each other and furniture

'OW YOU FUCKER!' Yoongi's voice thundered, causing hysterics as he ran into the shelf head first, knocking everything down off of it

'60! I'M COMING FOR YOU BITCHES!' Hoseok's voice came from afar, almost like in a dream. This house is massive. He will look until tomorrow.

I hid in one of the random empty rooms, not wanting to go too far. There are about 15 rooms in this place. He would look a while.

I heard Hoseok screeching like a maniac, and then Jungkook's distinct laughter filled the air. He probably followed him around to scare him for no reason. Little dipshit that he is.

I heard giggling and footsteps in front of the room before the doors flew open, and Taehyung fell in, scaring the shit out of me.

He nearly had a heart attack hearing me laugh at him, then burst out in giggles.

It was truly like we are 5. Playing dumb games. A bunch of assasins playing hide and seek.

'Shhh.' He covered my mouth with his hand, listening to the footsteps coming closer in the hallway.

He got up, pulling me along as he hid behind the closet, pulling me in as well to hide me with him.

It was frigging hilarious.

'I know you're heeeerrreee.' Hoseok giggled, singing the words

I was close to crying with holding back the laughter.

Hoseok tapped around a bit, then smacked his toe into the bed.


Both me and Taehyung couldn't hold it and we busted out laughing, causing Hoseok to screech even louder in fear, which only made us laugh harder

'I-I can't-' Taehyung was wheezing, literally wheezing

'I'm gonna die. My stomach hurts.' I was dying in laughter, but also from the pain of being stabbed in the stomach

'You fuckers. I didn't know there were two of you.' Hoseok laughed as well

By the time we got back downstairs, Jungkook and Yoongi were there already. Looks like Yoongi smacked his head so hard he almost fainted, so he gave up, and Jungkook did just go behind Hoseok to scare him.

Jin fell asleep while hiding, and we only found him when the lights came back on. He was hiding under his bed. Not on it. Under it. We took pictures.

Namjoon was in the library. He got into a book and forgot he was supposed to be hiding. A dumb genius.

'I haven't had this much fun in years. This was so stupid, yet so fun.' Taehyung grinned

'We gotta do this with Jimin. He will call us all morons.' Jungkook snickers

I know he's trying to lighten the mood for me, but even the thought of him not being here hurts. But I have to play along. I can't keep worrying them.

'There's a bigger chance he will stab one of us if we jump out of nowhere.' I joke along

'Good point.'

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