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'Yoongi, you weren't kidding. She is great!' Jungkook laughed in shock

He kept his word and came to watch me learn how to use a sniper. And it is soooo much harder than you can imagine. Going from a small handgun to a huge sniper... It is a change. They showed me how to set it up and all that. I had to pull it apart and put it back together a million times before I got to shoot. But I suppose I need to know that.

'3 in a row, straight in the head. Damn. You're gonna be better than me.' Jungkook teases

'Maybe I'll shoot you to pay you back for all the bruises you gave me the last weeks.' I tease back

'Oh, look at someone growing some balls.' He laughs. 'And talking of beatings, it's time to fight a bit. Ready?' 

'Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go.'

I've been shooting for hours. Fighting right now doesn't sound too bad.

By now, I can wrap my own hands and all. I don't need his help. I am also picking up a bit faster, so I'm not looking like a newborn dear.

'That one stung. Good one.' He chuckled after I punched him in the ribs, but then I got punched right back

'And you're better with getting hit. That is even better.' He grins

'Thanks.' I tell him in a strained voice, trying to catch my breath. There goes my rib. Or ribs.

'Let's teach you the hair thing. You asked, didn't you?' 

'Oh, God, yes. Please!' I am actually looking forward to it

'Stay still.' He said and wiped the sweat off his forehead as he walked behind me. 'So, this is how this goes.' He says and grabs my hair, pulling it back quite roughly, making me yelp, but I know why so I can't complain. I'll be getting pulled quite a bit while I'm learning this.

'When someone grabs you like this, and when they're this close, use your legs.' He was stuck to my back, pulling me so hard I was leaning on him. 'Ur foot into my knee. Doesn't matter which one, as long as you hit. Knees are the weak point and you can take down a man easily if you know how.'

'Like this?' I ask and kick him as he told me, and he kneeled down right away, laughing 

'Yep. That would be the one. I guess you really, truly hate having your hair pulled.' 

'I really, truly do.' I agree right away

'Let's go again. This time, don't stop at the knee. Try to floor me. If I end up on my knee, punch me as hard as you can in the face. You always go for the KO. It doesn't always work, but you sure try. Collect all the rage you have, and go for it.'

'Got it.' I nod, and he gets up, grabbing my hair again

Again, I did as he told me to do. I put all the power I had behind my punch, and going for his face. He had worse, he will be fine. 

'Not today.' He grins and grabs my arm, pulling me on the ground, and trapping me between himself and the floor, looking down at me

'What the hell? I thought you were supposed to teach me how to save myself?!' I tried to wiggle, but not a chance in hell. His knees are on my legs, and he's holding both my arms with one above my head, pinned to the mat

'I can't just let you win. No one's gonna do that.' He laughs. 'Besides, you need to learn this, too. You will run into someone who will try to assault you and rape you sooner or later.'

His words sent chills down my spine. I never even considered that, but he must be right. I am a woman, and it is a possibility that it could happen. It happens to someone every day.

What I did not expect it his hand on my waist, going under my shirt.

'Jungkook! Stop it!' I screamed, wiggling myself, but all he did was chuckle

'Come on. Try harder. You're barely moving.' He laughed, and his hand went under, going over to my ribs

'No! Stop it!' I was frantically trying to push him off, yelling at him and throwing myself as much as I could, but he would just press his knee into my leg, causing me pain. And he is one heavy man.

'Come on. This is too easy.' He smirks, leaning in closer as his hand goes toward my chest

We both got startled as a kunai landed right next to his leg, maybe an inch from his thigh. Jimin.

'What do you think you're doing?' He spoke to Jungkook

'Self-defense.' Jungkook smiles at him, but he is still not letting go

'Hmm.' Jimin hums, pulling another knife out, holding it by the edge

'Got it. Got it.' Jungkook chuckles and releases me, pulling himself off. 'You are such a grim reaper.' He sighs at Jimin

'Says the man that would rape a girl to teach her how not to get raped.'

'I wouldn't have done that. I'm not that insane.' He chuckles. This man finds everything funny. It's crazy. 'I will teach you this some other time.' Jungkook winks at me, then jumps out of the ring, leaving me and Jimin down there

'Thank you.' I said to him as soon as I was able to breathe again

He was just staring at me for a good minute before he started walking over. I watched him put the kunai into a little pocket on his leg, then go under the rope and into the ring where I was.

'Lay back down.' 

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