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He took me to that boxing court and helped me wrap my hands. It was such a weird feeling having my hands wrapped. I've only seen it on TV. I never had it done.
I scrunched my nose a little, smelling them. They smelt of sweat and stale blood. These have been overused.

'This is how it's gonna work.' He started explaining. 'I'm gonna teach you how to hit and kick properly so you don't break your hands if you ever fight someone. But once you get a hang of that, I'm gonna be beating you day in and day out. I'm not holding back cause you're a girl. No one else will. Got it?'

I swallowed hard, looking at him. He is a mountain of muscle. He is a mountain in general. He will kill me. But he has a point. I just hope he's exaggerating.

'Got it.' I nodded

'Good. Now, let's get started.'

He took off his shirt, getting shirtless, then put his hair up in a bun. Putting aside the fact that his muscles have muscles and that he could easily crush me with his biceps alone, he has more than one scar on his body. Two little holes on the left side of his ribs and a big cut scar on his right abdomen.

'Ah, yes. Curtesy of Jimin. This is how we met.' He laughs, tapping his stomach. He noticed me looking. I mean, how could he not?

'Jimin did that?' I barely whispered

'Oh, he sure did. I still have no idea where it came from, but he almost killed me, and I didn't get to blink. Boy, did I fuck up that day.' He shakes his head, laughing at himself

'But we can exchange war stories later. Now we fight.'

He slowly taught me how to form a fist, and them had me repeat the punch about a million times until I learned how to rotate my wrist and all that properly. Then he showed me how to find a perfect stance for myself and where to hit from.

'See, you're small. You should always attack first if you have the chance. Go for the neck of you can. And try to stay close as possible.'

'Got it. Attack first. Stay close.' I nod

'Okay. You picked up on that fast. Go on. Give it a whirl.' He grins, standing in front of me, putting his hands into his pockets

'Huh? You want me to punch you?' Is he crazy

'I want you to try. Just go for it.' He keeps grinning

'I don't want to.'

'Then I'll punch you. I ain't got no problems.' He cracks his neck

I'd rather not die from him. Fuck it.

I did as he taught me, punching him in the stomach.

'What was that?!' He started laughing like a maniac. He didn't even blink. Nothing. 'Oh, fuck me. You're gonna die.' He bent over, holding his stomach from all the laughter

He took a good minute to stop laughing, even wiping his tears. 'Jesus. I've seen toddlers bit harder. Fuck me.'

'I've never hit anyone in my life. Sorry.' I feel stupid that I have to apologise for the fact that I don't hit people

'It's fine, it's fine. You'll get there. We need to get you stronger, that's all.' He nods. 'Let's see.'

He suddenly started touching me all over, running his hands over my shoulders and arms, then heading for my stomach.

'Oi!' I slapped his hand away. 'What the hell are you doing?' I yell at him

'Chill. I'm checking your body constitution. You have some muscles. I need to know what I'm working with if I plan on making you stronger. I'm not touching you up, so you can relax.' He laughs and goes for my stomach.

I felt uncomfortable letting him touch me, but it's easier than fighting.

'Apologies.' He grabbed my ass and man, did I wanna punch him. He went straight for my legs, squeezing all over

'Hmm. Okay. Not bad. Not bad at all. You will get stronger in no time. You've got a great body.' He grins

'Thanks?' I thank him with a grimace, saying it like a question

'By the way, you're gonna need to work on cardio as well.' He then took a step closer, putting his arms around my waist. 'Let me know if you need help with that.' He smirks

Maybe I should have used this strenght earlier. I punched him so hard his lip cut open

First, he seemed shocked, then he wiped his lip, looked at the blood on his finger, and then started laughing.
'Now that was a punch.' He kept laughing. 'If I knew this was gonna piss you of so much, I'd have done it earlier. God to know for the future.'

'I'm done for today.' I announce, leaving the ring

I could only hear him laughing behind as I left, but he caught up to be pretty fast. He was walking alongside me, chuckling the entire way back.

'What the hell happened to you?' Hoseok laughs at Jungkook as soon as we walked into the living room

'Apparently, she doesn't like being touched up.' Jungkook snickers

'That's what you get.' Jin laughs at him

'I don't think that's what I sent you to do.' Namjoon tells him, but he's chuckling

'I had to figure out what triggers her.'

'Well, you found it. Idiot.' I mumbled and walked away, heading straight for my room, hearing them all laugh. Glad they're having fun at me expense.

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