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I quickly scanned everything around myself, frantically searching for a sign that someone might be here. Or was here.

What if I'm not alone?

I ran for the kitchen and took the first knife I saw, arming myself with it. I think there is a bigger chance of me stabbing myself than someone else, but I am not going down easy.

Nothing seems to be out of its place, and all the windows are closed. It's not a big place, and there are not a lot of places to hide. Only my bedroom or bathroom.

I was calming my breathing, trying to stay as quiet as possible as I slowly pushed open the bathroom door and turned on the light. Nothing.
I did the same with the bedroom, even checking inside the closet and under the bed, but nothing and no one to be found.  It must be one of those guys. They said they would be watching me. 

I have nowhere else to go right now. I have no money to stay in a hotel, and I can't go to the police. They'll kill me. I can only deal with the fact that I'm being watched and stay here. I just hope that they haven't bugged my place with cameras or anything like that.

I barely slept that night, not that the next nights were any easier, but I somehow relaxed a bit.

I just want to feel safe again.

Or not.

'I need 3 black coffees, 1 white coffee, and 2 iced anericanos.' I recite my order to Lee, crossing over orders as I read them out

'It's busy today. I thought we wouldn't see anyone in the mall for a while, and the first weekend back, it's full.' He sighed as he was making the orders, putting the little cups under the machine

'People are vultures. I've seen a bunch of kids making videos on mall shooting. This is why the new generations suck.' I am actually disgusted by the youth. They are heartless and stupid. They should all be exterminated.

'We can hate on the kids later. Orders are up.' He chuckles, putting all the things I've requested in front of me

'Thank you.' I placed them on my tray, plastering a smile as I walked back to the customer area, delivering orders to the tables

I've noticed more people coming in and sitting down, so I headed over.

That dreadful feeling struck me to the core when I saw a guy with silver hair sitting on one of the chairs. I can only see him from the back, but that hair... Please, God, let me be wrong.

'Welcome. What can I...' As soon as I looked into his eyes, I knew it was him. I can't forget those cold eyes. I stuttered a little, but I quickly composed myself. 'What can I get for you?'

He was just looking at me for a bit, staring into my eyes. No mask this time. No black clothing. I can see him perfectly. But eyes were enough to recognize him.

'Two black coffees, please.'

Only now did I notice the other man with him. It's that guy. The other one. I recognise his chirpy voice. He had a smile on his face, grinning like he didn't have a care in the world. His hair was long and black, tied up in a bun.

They are coming to my work now?!

I cleared my throat by swallowing the fear, then put on a smile.
'I'll get that for you right away.'

I need to get these guys away from me.

I pulled out my little notebook and wrote down a quick message while waiting for the coffees.

Please don't come to my home again.

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