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Just like I planned, I'm in Icheon. Jimin came with me as he's in charge of getting us one of the samples when he can, so he needs to scout the location.
We have been sitting in a car a bit further away from the building since the morning. I needed to see where he keeps his clearance card, so we are waiting until the end of the shift.

'This is weird.' Jimin commented, breaking the silence. 'I'm on a stakeout. With you. We're working. Together.' It was almost like he was explaining it to himself. It was actually quite funny

'We sure are.' I giggle. 'It's quite exciting, isn't it?' I took his hand, intertwining my fingers with his

'I'm in love with a psychopath.' He sighs, shaking his head lightly, but he squeezed my hand tighter

'I hate to break apart the little date, but I've got eyes on the prize.' Jungkook spoke over the earpiece. 'He's coming down.'

'On it. Thanks, Kookie.' I spoke back then took the earpiece off, putting it in my pocket. 'I gotta work. I'll see you soon.' I kissed Jimin on the cheek and left the car before he could say a thing. He looked so nervous ever since we left home. He is still worried about me.

But as cute as that is, I've got actual work to get to.

Thanks to the building being covered in glass windows, I can clearly see when he'll be out. And it will be in about 15 seconds.

I quickly undid my shoelace and started walking towards the corner of the building. I glanced over to where Jungkook is supposed to be, but I can't see him. He hid damn well.

I walked slowly, counting down the seconds, and then I sped up.

'OH MY GOD!' I fell into someone's chest, ''tripping'' over my shoelace

'Oh my, miss. Are you alright?'
The man in front of me seemed really surprised. His eyes hidden behind the glasses were wide open as he held me back from falling. He is quite nerdy looking in a sense. Messy dark hair and glasses, with small blueish bags under his eyes. Even the clothes he's wearing are such a scientist thing to wear. Black trousers, a shirt, and a tie, with the doctor's lab coat over it. Even his name tag is still on.

'I'm so terribly sorry, sir. Are you alright?' I ask in a panicked voice, touching his chest and shoulders, checking if I hurt him

'Yes, yes, I'm quite alright. Did you hurt yourself, miss?' He asks, composing himself a little

'No, no. I'm quite alright myself, thanks to you saving me from kissing the ground.' I giggle in the cutest way I can, then smile at him

He smiled back at me, looking down. 'I think I found the culprit.' He points to my shoe, so I look down, looking at my untied shoelace

'That would explain a lot.' I laugh, going for my shoe

'Oh, please, allow me.' He stopped me, then bent down on his knee, tying my shoelace for me

'Thank you very much, doctor... Lee.' I read his name off the badge, smiling at him

'How do you-'

I cut him off by pointing at my chest, gesturing at his name badge. He then chuckled a little, nodding to himself.

'I keep forgetting to take it off before I leave.'

'If I was a doctor, I'd be walking around in my coat, flexing my degree.' I joke

'I'm not even a doctor. I'm a scientist.'

'Oh, apologies. I didn't mean to insult you or anything.' I bow

'On, no, no. Not at all, miss... I don't think I got your name.'

'Oh, I keep being rude. Ami. My name is Ami.' I smile

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