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It's been days since we came back. All I've done is heal. I can't train because all the wounds will reopen. My leg and my stomach are more or less okay and somewhat healed, but the shoulder is still fresh.

As for everyone else, they have focused on observing Isui from afar. They are still looking for the doctor if they can. And Jimin... he is still under Isui's spell. Nothing changed there. Barely any trace.

The house alarm went off for the first time in what it seems like ever, based on everyone's reactions.
Jungkook came running down almost naked, wearing nothing but boxers and holding a gun.
Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung spawned the same way, rushing out to the front of the house.

'Rain.' Yoongi passed me a gun as he was sitting opposite me on the other sofa.

'Be ready.' Namjoon gave an order, then slowly walked over to the camera overlooking the entrance

'What the fuck?' He was in shock

'What is it?' Taehyung asks

'It's- it's Jimin?' He said is like a question, and in a second, I sprinted past him to the door


By the time he yelled, it was already too late. I was already with my hand on the handle.

Opening the door, I couldn't decide who was more surprised.
He was trying to enter a code into the keypad, obviously getting it wrong. That's why the alarm went off.

He stood there in pure shock. His eyes were wide open. He didn't look like he was even breathing.

'You're- it's you.' He mumbled

'Jimin?' All I could do is say his name

Another silence.

It was like the time had stopped. Every breath I took seemed to have gotten stuck in my lungs. Every heartbeat was so slow that I wasn't sure my heart was beating.

He glanced at my hand, seeing the gun in my hand, and then reached for his knife.

'NO! No! Sorry!' I quickly put the gun aside, letting it go. 'We thought someone was breaking in. That's all.' I managed to say it

His hand was still tightly on his knives, but he didn't draw on them.
'Where am I?'

'You- you don't know where you are?'

The way he was looking at me said he had no idea. He was just silently looking into my eyes, then started looking around me.

'You're in Seoul. But... How did you get here?' I ask again

'I... I..' He couldn't say that either

'Can you not remember that either?' I ask

This time he just gave me the tiniest nod to confirm my words.

'Are you alone?' I ask, looking behind him

'Yes. Just me. I just got into a car earlier, wanting to go somewhere. I don't know how I ended up here. What is this place?' He was talking in such a confused tone. It must be a mess in his head

'This is our home. Your... home.' I gulped, watching him squint at me a little
'Do you want to come in?' I ask, moving aside a little

He must have seen the guys behind me, all of them armed, and he pulled out a knife, ready to fight.

'Put the guns down!' I scold them, stepping in front of Jimin to look at the guys. 'He's lost and scared. Put those down.'

'Jimin, man, do you know who we are?' Taehyung was the first to seath his gun, talking to him

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