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After that scare of my life, I tried not to avoid him and act as normal as I could. He acted the same way as he always did. His typical cold self, with no facial expressions and such. 
It was pretty embarrassing that the guys knew about my feelings for him, but at least no one asked a single thing. Although I'm pretty sure Jimin threatened them about it. I did notice Yoongi wanting to ask me questions on multiple occasions, but then he would see Jimin and just dip.

I should probably be way more scared of Jimin. A house with 7 mercenaries, all of them capable of unimaginable things, and yet they are scared of him. Might be a clue, which I choose to ignore. I wouldn't even care if he killed me.

But all of that aside, I still have to live with him and the rest of them. Which means eating with them, training with them and such. Until I leave. Which seems like they are working on right now.

'There has been nothing at any of the docks since we took that down in Yor. It's like their people disappeared into thin air.'

'Not a chance they would pull back so much from one busted deal.'

'I agree.'

'They are not hiding. 2 guys were around her apartment only last night.'

'So they are still looking for her.'

'Absolutely. They even left a note this time. But not for her.' 

'Let her go or we're coming for her ourselves. Well, we already knew that they know. Not a surprise really.'

'That place she worked at, the shop. There was a guy there. Lee. His uncle is one of Isui's people. It looks like they've been on her for a long time.'

'Find out everything there is about her life. From the socks she wore when she was 3, to the amount of sugar she puts in her coffee. I want to know every single detail.'

'I used to wear pink socks with strawberries. Those were my favorite. Wore them till they had holes in them.' I spoke up, pulling attention from all of them that were sitting around the table, discussing. 'And you should know by now that I don't drink coffee.' 

'You have a bad habit of listening in on people.' Jin scolds me

'I was literally standing right there. Some assasins you are.' I tease. 'Just ask what you want to know. Whatever I can tell you, I will. I have nothing to hide.' I sit down

'Right then. Start with ur parents.' Namjoon says

'Mom died when I was 5. Stabbed to death. Never met my father. Lived with my grandmother until I was 16, then went on my own after she died.'


'Usi High School. Never got to college. Didn't really have the funds for it. Or the time. I was working to keep myself alive.'


'Boyfriend when I was 19. Lasted a whole month. Name was Hyunal Kim. I think at least. And the ex I lived with. I was with him for a bit over a year. Marum Saon. He is far too stupid and incapable to be one of the dangerous guys. Nothing else other than that.'

For a while, it felt like I was back in school, solving a quiz. For hours, they kept asking questions, sometimes the same ones over and over.

'What about your fears? Do you have any fears that could be used against you?'

'Dark.' I mumbled


'She's afraid of the dark.' Jimin answers for me, having them all look at him. 'She witnessed her mother getting killed when she was 5. Used herself as a shield for her. It happened in the dark, and since then, she's been terrified of it.'

'And you just forgot to mention that little detail?' Namjoon raises his eyebrow at me

'I thought you knew.' I looked at Jimin, but he just shook his head a bit

'Okay. Any details that you skipped out on that he knows, I need to know, too. And you.' He turns to Jimin. 'I thought you knew better than to keep things like this.'

'Let me save you some time in searching. They never found her mother's killer. No signs of forced entry even though it was a break-in. No fingerprints. No DNA. Nothing. The weapon she was killed with was one of these.' He flips his kunai. 'The stab wounds match them. I am still looking into which brand it was.'

'You've been looking into it?' I ask Jimin in surprise. I didn't think he would do that. What would be the point? My mother's death happened almost 20 years ago

He just nodded at me.

'Any other fears? Any at all? Even the tiniest ones.' Namjoon leans on his elbows, staring at me

'Like every normal person, I hate spiders. They creep me out.' I grimace. 'I'm not a big fan of the deep water. I hate not knowing what's underneath me.'

'What about weapons? Any specific weapon that scares you? Like knives? Are you still afraid of them?'

'It wasn't knives per say that scared me.' I glance at Jimin. 'But no. I'm over that. And all weapons scare me. Shouldn't they?'

'That's probably a smart answer. You should be afraid. Anything can be a weapon and cause death.' He nods

'Even a spoon.' Hoseok adds, and all of them start laughing. Even Jimin chuckled. I suppose it is some kind of an internal joke.

'Right, everyone get on that. And you... I suppose you continue whatever it is that you've been looking into.' Namjoon says to Jimin

'I was gonna do that anyway.' He says calmly

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