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For a bit, all the guys were silent. No one knew what to say. It was just awkward.

'Now what?' Hoseok was the first one to speak up. 'What do we do with her?'

Namjoon thought about it for a second, looking at me. 'Apart from the evidence she brought, we don't know if she is telling the truth or not.'

'It's alright. I didn't expect anyone to believe me after all of this. I wouldn't either. I knew double crossing would cost me my life, and I'm okay with that. So, just let Jimin do what he needs to do.' I spoke quietly, looking down at my hands

'What if you don't have to die?' Jin spoke, leaning a bit forward and getting everyone's attention. 'We brought her here to use her to get intel out of him, but she brought all of it herself. All the paperwork is here. Is this really necessary?'

'It is.' I answer. 'There are still things I couldn't find out. I got 3 shipments from Spain in the last 3 days, all worth about 30-40 billion won. I have no record of it. I sent them back, and another one came. I don't know what's in them.'

'We can work that out. Tell us when and where they are, and we'll take them. We'll figure it out.' Jungkook chimes in

'He is right. You don't need to die for this.'

'I thought you brought me here to kill me, not save me.' I give them a smile that I can only call shit.

'You technically haven't done anything.' Hoseok mumbles. 'Sure, you lied, but you didn't actually do what you were sent to do.'

'I know what I did. But I don't mind dying. Even if I go back there, his people will kill me. They'll know what I did. There's nowhere for me to go. And I lost him.' Tears formed in my eyes once again, along with the ball in my throat that I choked on, coughing out blood

'Did he do that?' Yoongi asks in a surprisingly soft voice

I nodded, still crying. 'But he had every right to. I don't blame him.' I wiped the blood of my lips before I spoke again. 'I don't care if he does this a million times over. But the way he looks at me is what hurts.'

'I know it might be a stupid question, but do you actually love him? Or did you just use him as a part of your plan?' Jin asks

'I do love him. So much that I'd rather die than live without him.' I cry. 'Please do me a favour. When I die, take care of him.'

None of them said a thing. Yoongi only got up to pour himself a glass of whiskey. But that was about it.

'You know, we weren't actually as angry as we were shocked.' Jungkook broke the silence

I smiled a little, 'It's nice to know that you don't hate me. I'll miss you guys. If that's possible wherever I go.' I try to chuckle

'I'll sure miss you. It's been boring without you here.' He smiles

'True. No one annoying us around the house.' Yoongi joins in on the joke

'It's okay. I'll come back as a ghost to hunt you.' I smile

'Not after I'm done with you. Not enough of you will be left to haunt a thing.' Jimin's voice seemed deeper. Almost choked up. I didn't even hear him come downstairs.

'I guess my grim reaper is here.' I give the guys a sad smile. 'Good luck, guys. Thank you for everything.'

'See you.' Namjoon smiles weakly

'Move your ass.' Jimin walked over and pulled me off the chair, dragging me after him. He won't even give me a chance to walk normally

'Jimin.' I call his name quietly, but he doesn't react. He just kept pulling me
'Wait, please. Just one second.' I plead, and he stopped

'What?!' He spat it out

'I'm sorry.' I burst out crying, falling into his chest, hugging him tight enough for him not to be able to push me away. 'I love you.'

'Let go of me. Now.'

'I'm about to die. I just want to hold the man I love before I go.' I cried harder, shoving my face into his chest

'Stop doing that.' His voice had gone quiet. 'Stop telling me you love me.'

'I won't stop saying it until my last breath.' I clutch his shirt tightly, my finger pulling on his collar. 'Please just... hold me. Tell me you love me. I don't wanna die with you hating me.' I sob

'I loved the girl you were. But you are not her.' He says coldly

'I am still the same girl.' I look up, trying to get him to look at me. 'Look at me, please.' He surprisingly didn't push my hand away when I reached for his face, getting him to look down at me. 'I am still the same girl. I still feel and think the same. I still love you.' I weep

'But you are not. Nothing I thought I knew about you was real.'

'I didn't choose him to be my father. He raped my mother. That's how I was born.' His eyes widened a bit at my words, but he composed himself quickly

'That doesn't change the fact that you betrayed me.'

'How could I tell you that I'm the girl you're trying to kill?' I was still holding onto his shirt as tears streamed down my face

'I loved you so much that I would have left that behind me. For you, I would have done a lot more than you know. But you chose to lie instead, and now all of that is gone. And all you left me with is the thought that not a moment we shared was real. All of this... it's your fault.' He sounded like he was choking on his own words again

'Then let me prove to you that all those moments were real. Just tell me what I have to do! Please!'

'What's done is done.'

'Is there nothing here left for me?' I whisper, putting my hand on his heart

'No. It's all gone.' He says with that expressionless face

'Do I get to make a dying wish?' I can barely speak. He didn't say anything. He was just looking at me, like he was waiting for me to ask
'You already said you'll leave me to die in the dark, so I won't ask you to hold me as I take my last breath.' I hick up from all the sobbing. 'But if not anything else, can you kiss me? One last time.'

'Absolutely not.'

'I'll be gone soon enough. You'll never even have to see my face again. I'll never ask you this again. Or anything else. You won't have to hear my voice again either. At least... hold me. I'm begging you, just hold me. I don't want to go like this. I don't want to go.' I could not talk anymore. I could not even breathe. I was drowning in my own tears, pressing myself into his chest, pulling frantically on him

I felt his arms wrapping around my body slightly. It was barely a hug, but he was holding me.

'Thank you. Thank you. I love you. I love you so much. Thank you.' I kept crying

'That's enough. It's time.'

He pulled away without so much as looking at me and grabbed me roughly by my forearm, dragging me with him

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