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He kissed me. All on his own. I could burst right now. 

But I have more important things right now. Like this fucking scientist who's sitting on the sofa, trembling in fear as he's surrounded by the guys. Although all of them look relaxed, I know they are most absolutely not.

He looked into my direction as I walked in with Jimin, hand in hand, and of course, that's where his eyes went. Our hands.

'Oh, this?' I give him that sarcastic smile, raising our intertwined hands. 'You must have fucked up somewhere, my friend.'

'But- How- I-' He kept stuttering, stumbling over his own words, but never finishing them. He must have readjusted his glasses 5 times, as if that's gonna help him see better.

Jimin sat down next to me, opposite Mabuchi, but he let go of my hand, and instead, he pulled a knife from his trousers. This will be fun.

'So, doctor... Or should I call you Mabuchi?' Jimin starts, spinning the kunai around his finger. 'It doesn't matter really. I believe we have things to talk about.'

'Let me give you a quick rundown of what's gonna happen.' Jimin starts. 'I'll ask questions. You will answer them, and you will tell the truth. Even a slightest lie, and one of these will find their way to you. And I have loads. Do I make myself clear?'

Mabuchi was dead silent, barely even breathing. His eyes kept darting all over the place, and even from here I could see how much he was sweating. By the colour of his face, I can only assume it is cold sweat, because he is as pale as a ghost.

Jimin's wrist flicked, and one of the kunais flew past Mabuchi's face, grazing him just the tiniest bit. It looked like a papercut with how thin the cut was.

'I believe I asked you a question.' Jimin repeats in that cold tone of his

'Yes! YES!' He yelled, tapping his face where the knife grazed him, looking at the little blood on his fingers that he just smudged

'Good.' Jimin nods, pulling a new knife, spinning it around as well. 'Let's start then.'
'What exactly have you done to me?' 

He seemed to think about what to say, but Jimin was ready to fling a knife at him so he quickly changed his attitude.

'THE DRUG! The drug!' He raised his hands to stop Jimin from stabbing him

'Go on. Tell us about it.' 

'I've been developing it for over a decade. It was a lot of trial and error before I got to where I want to with it.' His voice was shaky, but he was explaining. 'The first idea was only to wipe the memory. But after testing it out and doing more research, I managed to figure out that it could be more than that. It could alter someone's mind.'

'We are gonna need a lot more than that.' Namjoon spoke up, bringing the guys into this for the first time

'It- it can create and erase new fears. It can erase or create emotions and feelings. If used correctly, you can create a person based on how you want him or her.' 

'Is that what you did to me?' Jimin asks him again

He nodded lightly, almost afraid to confirm it.

'Why?' He asks him again, but he only looked at me. 'I see. Isui told you to do it, didn't he? So I could kill his daughter for him.' 

'You are not supposed to know any of this!' Mabuchi yells. 'How can you remember?!'

'I don't. That is the problem. I know because she told me.'

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