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It took me a lot of resolve to leave the room in the morning. Mostly because of this huge purple bruise on my neck. I can't even hide it with my hair. But I do have do go out of the room and act normal. I know he will.

It's like a tape on repeat. They are all at the table together. Just like every morning.

'Morning guys.' I greet them, flopping down in my chair

'Morn-I thought I said no more bruises.' Namjoon sighs looking at me, then at Jimin

'Did you choke her or something?' Yoongi asks Jimin

'No. I bit her.' He said is as if it's the most normal thing and kept eating, not even raising his head to look at them. But they were all looking at him. And me.

'You... bit her?' Taehyung repeats after him, fully shocked

'She bit me. Figured I'd show her the feeling.'

'Yeah, thanks for that.' I click my tongue

'You're complaining?' He looks at me  raising his eyebrow, then pulling his sleeve back to show me a mark that looks like it bled. 'I will have to receive a tetanus shot because of you.'

I didn't think I bit him that hard. I was looking at it for a second before I started snickering.

'Glad you find that funny.' He says in a sarcastic tone

'Oh, stop being a drama queen. At least you can put a sleeve over it. I look like I've been choked to death.' I argue

'I will happily comply with that. I'll do it now.' He argues back, pretending he's gonna choke me, pulling me into a chokehold, but not actually squeezing

'Let me at least eat first! Even death row inmates have their final meals.' I laughed, tapping on his arm to release me

'One last meal it is.' He chuckles and lets go

I tried to ignore the rest of them, but I could feel them kind of staring and smiling and such, which is really awkward.

'Anyway,' Namjoon switched the subject. 'the ball is this weekend. I hope you all found a date.' That sounded like they didn't have a choice

'Can I ask you something?' I raised my hand like I'm in school

'Shoot.' Namjoon smiles

'Why do you have to bring someone? Can't you just go on your own?'

'It's kind of like keeping the piece. We are advised to bring civilians who know nothing of the work, just to ensure no one does anything stupid there.'

'Ooooh, I see. I guess it makes sense.' I mumble to myself

'Also, I need your size. For the clothes and shoes.' He smiles at me

'Ummm.. 6 for clothes, 4 shoes. But, what do you mean clothes and shoes?' I am a bit lost

'Did you think you can go there in your trackies?' Jungkook snickers

'You'll have your picks for the dress and such. You need to be elegant.' Jin chimes in

'Is it too late to go with my plan?' I turn to Jimin, referring to the plan where I shoot myself

'I'll join you.' He sighs. 'I can't hear about this ball thing anymore. It's stressing me out.'

'Um... sorry, but I kind of have a favour to ask.' I tell him quietly

'I'm not even surprised. What is it this time?' He sounded annoyed

I pulled him down a little, whispering into his ear. 'Can you teach me how to dance?'

He took a deep breath. 'Sure.'

'Yay! Thank you!!' I squealed a little, hugging his arm in excitement

'Fuck sake.' He cursed through the sigh, but he didn't push me or rip his arm away as usual. I'm happy about that.

'Let go and let's get to it. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish.'

'Okay, okay. Let's go!'


They all watched the two of them leaving downstairs to do whatever, with him just nodding along to whatever she was laughing about.

'He's changed so much lately.' Jin commented

'You should have seen them yesterday. He was chasing her around the house. It was like watching two kids.' Yoongi snorts

'I don't know if this is good or bad, though.' Jin continued. 'She will get hurt without a doubt. He is... well, we all know what he is. And even if a miracle happens and he turns his emotions on, he'll go soft.'

'I wouldn't be too worried about him going soft. Last week, we had that job at the dock, and he pretty much did all of it himself. I didn't get a chance to pull my gun, and he was done. If anything, he's more deadly.' Jungkook chimed into the conversation

'Our leads interlinked a few days back, so we ran into each other during work. One of the guys threatened to find the girl and dismember her. Jimin cut him open like an animal before the guy even finished talking. And I mean he left the guy on the floor, holding his own heart in his hand.' Hoseok shook his head a little like he's trying to get rid of the thought of it

'That is disturbing.' Taehyung mumbled

'So they are still trying to find her?' Namjoon asks the guys

'Very much so. They turned her apartment upside down and took everything that could be of use. Even her car got destroyed.' Hoseok replies

'They are aware she is with us. Otherwise, they wouldn't ask us about her.' Namjoon was almost thinking out loud. 'We can use this ball to snoop around a bit. Find out why they are so interested in her. We already know she knows nothing, but they apparently still think otherwise.'

'I don't think anyone will try anything at the ball. It's not like she'll be on her own.' Yoongi adds

'Would you go near her if you saw Jimin with her?' Jungkook snorts

'Abso-fucking-lutely-not.' Taehyung laughs

'If they know any of us, it would be him. The amount of time Isui fled when Jimin got even close...'

'I didn't tell him to go with her for no reason.' Namjoon smirks. 'She will be more than fine with him.'

'We just gotta make sure that he doesn't end up killing someone there.' Jungkook chuckles

'He is dangerous, but he is far from stupid. He won't do such a thing.' Jin adds

Namjoon cut off the debate pretty quickly, bringing up the main concern.
'Let's not worry about that so much. We have bigger issues here. Isui and his trafficking. Where are we on that?'

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