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'What going on in there? Talk to me, J.'

I was lost in my thoughts as I sat on the sofa, spinning my knife around my finger. It keeps me focused. But then Yoongi's voice cut through that concentration. I didn't see him sitting there at all.

'Rain.' I answer simply. Everything Mabuchi said earlier was rolling around in my mind, and I couldn't help but think about how everything goes back to her in my mind

'Course.' He chuckled

'What was I like before? With her?' I guess they would know

'Honestly, insufferable. But in the best way.' He smiles

'What do you mean?' Insufferable can't be good

'You two are like magnets. You push and pull each other. What one does, the other one does, too. Much like now, you couldn't keep away from her. The way you two look at each other is like there's no one else but the two of you.'

'Like she's looking at me now.' I mumble

'Precisely.' He nods, smiling a little still. 'And then there's the little thing where you couldn't keep your hands off of each other. We all heard her... sounds... thanks to you. Whatever you did.'

'Oh. Sorry about that.' I have no idea what to say to that. But the couldn't keep away part, I think I understand it perfectly.

'Not at all. It's quite funny. But all the jokes put aside, your were crazy in love with her. You would have given up your life for hers in a second. Much like she would for you. I mean, you gave yourself to your biggest enemy to save her. What more is left to say?'

'I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. She's not going to leave you no matter what.' He's noticed me going quiet and was smiling at me understandably

'Obviously. I know what I did to her and she still loves me.'

'You did always beat yourself up over that.' He exhales deeply. 'That was the first time anyone saw you cry. You were scared or of your mind that day.'

'I know. I saw it in my dreams. I felt the fear. I had the same dream last night and scared myself awake. But this time, she was right there. All the fear left me in a second and relief washed over me seeing her next to me.'

'We guys were joking yesterday about how you still look in love with her. And we all think you will either remember, or fall in love with her again.'

'Honestly, I think so, too.' I agree. 'I don't know how to explain it, but I don't feel okay if I'm not with her. With her I get this feeling of security and safety. She takes all the fear away.  And I can't control myself around her as much as I try. I end up doing things without thinking. It is so confusing.' It's frustrating to even try and explain

'Maybe don't think about it. Just let yourself go. Do whatever you feel like doing.' He encourages me. 'Talking of...' he added quietly, pointing behind me at the stairs

I turned to see Rain coming down in my shirt and shorts. Hey long hair falling down her back, swaying behind her her as she skips down the steps.

'Do whatever I feel like doing.' I repeat to myself. I know what I want to do at this very second.

'Hey.' She gave me that gorgeous, bright smile as soon as she saw me walking towards her. 'Did you-'

I shut her up quickly, clashing my lips on hers.

She was taken aback for a second, but then she smiled and kissed me back, tangling her fingers in my hair. I love it when she does that. She keeps tugging gently on it every time our tongues meet.

My arm around her waist might be a bit tight, but the one under her face won't let her pull away. I don't want to stop kissing her.

As I started slowing down, I sucked gently on her lips, cupping them one by one, and she did the same, biting lightly into my bottom lip before pulling away.

'Good morning.' She giggled softly

'Good morning.' I brushed my nose against her, then pulled her into a tight hug, hiding her face in my neck, doing the same myself

'Is everything okay?'

I understand why she would be worried.

'Yeah. It's all good. I just felt like doing it.' I admit

'Okay.' She hummed cutely, nuzzling closer to me. 'Did you manage to sleep okay?'

'More than okay. No dreams.'

'Really?' She pulled away, looking at me with such a happy expression

'Really.' I smile, caressing her cheek lightly. I can't handle the way she's looking at me.

'Maybe you should sleep with him every night if it helps.' Yoongi adds from the sofa, pretending he doesn't see us. I guess he is the supportive type

'Ignore Yoongi. He is a but dramatic.' She turned it to a joke not to make me uncomfortable

'No, I think I like his idea. If that's okay with you?'

'I don't even know why you're asking. We both know my answer to that.' She laughed a little

'Oh, the assasin bride is up.' Jin passed us by, smiling at her. Assasin bride?

'Morning, Jin.' She just smiled. Used to that one I see.

'Did anyone fill her in? And I mean on the work.' Jin gives me a sarcastic side eye

'Seriously? He's been back one day, you old dipshit.' She argues

'Who are you calling old?!' He got all fake aggresive, pretending he's ready to fight. He rolled up his sleeves and was going for her neck, trying to get her in the chokehold

I knew they were only messing around. It is more than obvious, but much like when I'm with her and can't control myself, I didn't think about what I'm doing, and I ended up flooring him before he reached her.

'Oh, shit. Sorry! I didn't mean to!'

As soon as he smacked the ground, I understood what I've done.

'What's going on!?' Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon ran over as they heard the loud bang. Yoongi was dying laughing on the couch for some reason, finding it hilarious.

'Remind me not to touch Rain again.' Jin grunted as I helped him up

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.' I am so beyond embarrassed

'Fuck. Me. I did not miss you.' Jin laughed at me, seemingly completely fine

'He was only joking around.' Rain was just as shocked

'I know. I didn't mean to do it. I just did it without thinking. I'm so sorry, Jin.'

'There is a lot more of you left than you think.' Jin was smiling at me, patting me on the shoulder

'Did I do this before?'

'No. Not to us at least. And you are not the type to apologize. That creeps me out more than anything.' I guess they all found it funny

'I got a bodyguard now. Suck it, old man.' She turned it into a joke as well, hiding behind me and sticking her tongue out at him

I see. This is a house full of 15 year olds. Nice.

'I'll find you when you're alone.' He does the watch out motion, giggling at himself, then turning to me. 'I'm obviously joking, before you take my eyes out.'

'Okay, okay, got it.' I gave in, chuckling along with them

At least they don't hold grudges. Obviously.

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