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I don't know what happened back there, but I felt like I would burn away if I didn't kiss her. I don't remember ever in my life wanting someone so much. Not that anything I know is true. But in the least, I can trust my feelings.

And I hope that in 2 days' time, I'll be able to have my life back. To go back to her as she begged me to. It hurts me to see her sad over me.

I have to get that damn scientist here, and then, I'm gonna kill that man that forged everything in my mind. And if I failed the first time, this time, I'll chop him into pieces. This time, I won't fail.


I was fully shocked seeing him have that headache attack or whatever it was. He isn't someone who lets know that he's in pain, but he was whimpering, pulling out his own hair in pain.

And then he clung to her, pleading with her to help him.
That shocked me more.

He is not supposed to have any memory, but the way he held onto her would say otherwise. He even took her hand himself. He sees her face when he's in pain.
To love someone so much that even without any memory, you are still drawn to them... that is terrifying.

'Where are you going? Let him go.' Namjoon scolded me as I went after the two of them

'I'm just curious. I'm not going there.' I wave as I walked a bit further, making sure to stay out of their field of vision.

What. The. Fuck.

He's- he's kissing her.

'I'm don't know why, but I just really wanted to do it.'

I could barely make out his words to her, and he seems to be just as confused with his own words, but he's honest. Maybe he remembers more than he thinks he does. Maybe his feelings are stronger than his thoughts. Whatever it is, it's like he's falling in love with her again.

'What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost.' Yoongi teased me as I came back to sit with them

'They're- he's kissing her.' I mumble, still not believing it myself

'What?! Seriously?!' Jungkook almost jumped at me

'Yeah. Seriously.' I confirm

'I thought he didn't remember anything?' Jin adds

'He doesn't.' Rain's voice brought us to a hault, speaking as she's walking over. 'He kissed me upstairs as well. Apparently, when he touches me, he remembers certain feelings. So he wanted to kiss me to see if it would help him. And it did. It's like he remembers the feelings of the actions he did, but not the actions themselves.'

'Is that why you're grinning like a moron? Cause he only wanted to check his theories?' Jungkook snickers, already on the teasing path

'I bet she'd want to help him remember a lot more.' Hoseok giggles

'I'm not grinning. Fuck you.' She was squishing down her face with both hands, obviously blushing and trying to wipe that smile off her face

'I feel like I have a daughter who's boyfriend just came to pick her up from prom.' Jin snickers as well

'You all suck.' She gave in, laughing as well. She hasn't laughed in a while. Not since he's been gone, and not honestly like how

'Jokes aside, he is weirdly trusting. He is the last person I'd expect to trust anyone, let alone after his mind has been toyed with like this.' Namjoon comments

'From what he told me, he kept having a feeling like he doesn't belong there. Said he felt off.' She added to it

'See? He has no fucking memory, and he still tells her everything. What the hell have you done to that man?' Yoongi flung a pillow at her, making her chuckle

'I have no idea, Yoongi. I'm just happy he is honest. I didn't think I'd see him for a while.'

'He sure gave me a heart attack.' Jungkook's exhale said everything

'Oh, yeah. I was apologizing to him for basically cheating on him, but it turns out he saw us and didn't want to kill us both at the moment, so he ignored us. And then he laughed at me because I asked him if he's going to divorce me now.' She smiled, what seemed like the thought of him laughing

'So, I'm not going to die?' Jungkook is seriously terrified of him. It's kind of hilarious

'No.' She laughs. 'As he says, he tried to kill me multiple times, so a kiss is the least of his issues.'

'Phew.' Jungkook pretends to wipe the sweat off his forehead, making everyone laugh a little

'But more importantly, he's bringing the mad scientist. We've been after him for months.' Jin cuts in

'I'm going to peel that man alive, one skin layer at the time.' She says some creepy stuff at times, but after what he did to Jimin, I think this is the nicest he'll get

'We need him alive, cowgirl. You can't save your hubby if you kill the man who fucked him up in the first place.' Yoongi got all sassy

'Thanks, captain obvious.' She gets sassy back at him. 'I meant after he fixes him. Do we have any acids in this place?' She asked, looking around at us

'No, you psycho.' Jungkook grimaces

'You love your acid.' Hoseok does the same

'I'll melt him piece by piece for every memory he took away from him. He will only wish he was never born.'

She might look fragile. She might be gorgeous. She might be a girl. But fuck me, she is by far the creepiest and scariest one here.

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