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I took my sorry self to the shower, slowly stripping off the clothes. Besides my leg, I'm more than okay. Not a scratch. But that one damn bullet hurts like a bitch.

I stepped into the shower, letting the water rinse off the blood from my leg. Every drop of water that slides over the fresh wound burns like I've pressed a lit match to it. But what burns more is my chest.
The exact spot on my skin where my ring is pressed on feels like that's where I've been shot.

I squeezed the ring with both hands, kissing it as my tears mix with the water sliding down my face.

'Stay alive. Please wait for me. I'll come get you. I love you. I love you. I love you...'

Like an absolute lunatic, I held that necklace and that ring, muttering to myself in the shower.

'Feeling better?' Jungkook nudged me a little, speaking quietly as I sat down next to him

'Not in the slightest.' I admit

'Come here, sis.' He raised his uninjured arm, pulling me on his chest. He hugged me around the shoulders with one arm, squeezing me gently. 'Just breathe. He's been through worse. He'll be just fine. We both know he's not human.'

'Jimin's been gone for an hour, and you are already making your move. I'll tell him about this.' Taehyung got his playful side on, trolling Jungkook

'First off, don't play with my life like that.' Jungkook's comment made even me laugh a little. 'Second, I am not gonna hit on someone who is more deadly than I am. My ego would be too hurt.'

'That's true. She broke that guy's neck like a twig.' Jin shuddered

'You all have issues.' I let out the weakest chuckle, but it's better than crying

'Look at this idiot.' Jin started laughing hysterically as Hoseok walked over with two bags of frozen peas stuck to his face

'I can't see shit. Both my eyes are almost closed. Fuck you.' Hoseok argued as he kept walking, then walked directly into the coffee table in front of the sofa and started jumping around in pain of stubbing his toe.
'Ow! You motherfucker!' He cussed out at he threw himself in the sofa, massaging his foot

Namjoon came to the room as well, acting as if what he sees is normal. But I guess it somewhat is.

'Everyone ready to talk this out?' He asked everyone, but I felt like it was mostly aimed at me.

'Yep, all good.' I nod against Jungkook's chest. The steady beating of his heart kind of calms me down. It drowns the thoughts that I have in my own mind, and I do not want those thoughts to take over.

'So what do we know so far? Pitch it out. Let's put this thing together.'

After good 20 minutes of everyone taking their turn and chiming in, we summed it up.

'So, long story short. Isui is most definitely alive. The doctor is with him. He obviously has people backing him up, and he has Jimin.' Namjoon quickly summed it up

'You also said he promised you that you'll see Jimin again. What do you think he meant by that?' He asks me

'Knowing his sick mind, he's gonna bring him to me in pieces or make me watch as he kills him slowly. One thing is sure. He keeps his promises.' I don't even want to think about it, but it is a reality, and I'll do everything to stop it from happening

'Figured.' He mumbled. 'Right, first, let's pull all the cctv in the area. See if we can find where they went. Jungkook, Jin, and I will get on that. As for the rest of you, sit still until we can find something. Recover. We will work as fast as we can.'

Jin and Jungkook both nodded, agreeing with him. As much as I hate not doing a thing to save him, there is nothing I can do at the moment. I don't even know where to begin.

Who knows where he took him and what kind of hideout he has. How many people. His plans. Money.

That's it. I can cut off his money.

'Wait, Namjoon. What if I cut him off? The account. I have access. I can transfer that money out. He can't keep paying them if he doesn't have the money.'

'Where are you gonna tranfer it?' He seemed on board with the idea

'Anywhere. To any of you. I'll split it. I don't care. As long as he can't get it.'

'I don't know if it's gonna help long term. He might have more accounts. But that is a lot of money that he could use.' He was having a conversation with himself,  then spoke up a bit louder, talking to me again.
'Do it. I'll give you some accounts. Send it there. Split it. It will be harder to get it back.'

He did as he said he would. He sat next to me, and we transferred all the money into about 15 different accounts. We sent it to some random charities and such. We can't use their accounts because it will be tracked down. I emptied that thing until only a zero was there.

'I imagine he'll be pretty pissed.' Hoseok chuckles

'I'm pretty pissed. He's holding my husband hostage. I out to fucking dismember him when I see him.' My emotions are all over the place. I'm terrified. I'm worried. I'm angry. All of it.

'This is Jimin we are talking about. If anyone can get out of this, it's him.' Jin gave me a smile that I can only call comforting, not that it's gonna help

'And this is Isui who's holding him. No matter what Jimin is, we have to keep it realistic. Trust me, I hate this more than anyone. I begged him to take me instead, and he refused, so whatever he's planning, Jimin is going to suffer unless we save him.'

'She is right. We need to get the cctv sorted as soon as possible. Let's get to it.' Namjoon's orders were clear

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