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'Where are we?' I asked as he pulled into an empty car park and got out

'Not in Seoul.'

'Thank you for that, Captain Obvious.' I smile sarcastically

He sighed a little, but he answered normally. 'We are far from everyone and everything. A free zone of sorts. You'll be safe here.'

'No cartels? No gangs? No one trying to kill me?' I ask, just to make sure, and he nods

'Then that means there is no work here for you either?' I jump in front of him, grinning at him

'Sort of. Besides you, nothing else.' He confirms

'Then how about we make your wish come true?' I kept smiling

'What are-' He cut himself off, figuring out what I meant. 'I'm good. No need.'

'Why not? We're out already. Far from anything that should make you worry. Why don't you give it a try and have one normal night in your life?'

He was just silently looking at me for a minute before he spoke quietly. 'I don't know how. I don't know what normal is supposed to be.'

'That's why you've got me.' I smile

He grimaced a little at my words, 'That doesn't sound good.'

'Come on. Today, you're not Jimin, the ruthless mercenary. Today, you're just Jimin.... do you even have a last name?' I only now realized I don't know his name

'Yes, I have a last name. I'm not a dog.' He chuckles

'And that would be?' I press him


'Jimin Park.' I smile at him. 'Then you're just gonna be Jimin Park. A normal guy.' I offer him my hand and he just cocks his eyebrow at me

'You don't really have a choice here. You can hate me later.' I grabbed his forearm instead, pulling him along. I don't even know where I'm going, but I can see lights nearby. Looks like a town or something

I felt him trying to pull back his arm, but I held on tightly, adamant on not letting him live in peace. As we were coming closer, I heard weird music and screaming. And then we saw it.

'Oh, this is perfect.' I squeal, turning to him, just to see him grimacing at the amusement park in front of him


'Look at me.' I command him, earning an eye roll from him, but he looked at me. 'I specifically requested you to relax and be normal. This is what normal is. People. Crowds. Stupid amusement parks with people screaming on rides. Eating cotton candy.'

'I think you only pulled me here because you wanna go.' He argues

'You're the one who brought us here. I don't even know where we are. But I know we are going there. Come on. Normal night. No more complaining until we leave.' I didn't wait for him to complain, but he didn't seem like he would. He stopped resisting when I dragged him in there.

'Are you afraid of heights?' I ask

He raised his eyebrow at me, looking at me like I asked the dumbest question ever. But that's also an answer.

'Then we're going there.' I point to the big ride on our left where you can hear people screaming from the depth of their soul.

'Sure.' He gave me a small smile. Possibly the tiniest smile known to human kind, but it's a smile

I was too excited to get to the ride, so I almost ran. Until he pulled me back, grabbing my hand. 'Stop running. I don't wanna have to hold you like a child so you don't get lost.'

'I guess you'll have to hold me then.' I giggled, intertwining my hand with his, holding him firmly. My heart is in override mode at the moment. It might thump out of my body, but I am not letting go.

'I wasn't being serious.' He tried to pull away, but I held on tight, stepping right in front of him, looking at his face

'You better smile. You look like you're being kidnapped.' I repeat him the words he told me months ago, and it did exactly what I hoped it would

He laughed a little, hanging his head low.

'There you go.' I laugh along. 'Let's have some fun.'

I really wasn't sure if he was going to relax. He was twitchy for a while, jolting at every sudden movement he would notice in the corner of his eye or at any louder sound. He even reached for his pocket once, going for his knives. God knows what he saw.
But it must have gotten to his head that nothing was going to happen, and he normalised a little.

'Wanna try and see who's better?' I tease, pointing to the shooting stand

'You are on.' He smiled, pulling me along for a change. My heart is going to burst. I'm so happy to see him smile.

He crushed me, without a doubt. I did well, taking down 7 out of 10, but he took down all 10 in half the time. He even took the time to laugh at me when I missed the last one.

'This is a setup. We're going again.' I whine

'As you wish.' He chuckled a little, doing the same thing again. Even the man working at the stand was applauding him for his impeccable aim. Some of the people passing by stopped to watch him as well.

'You could pretend to suck.' I pout

'You could stop complaining.' He chuckled and walked behind me, almost hugging me as he put his hands over mine

'Jimin?' I did not expect this

'I thought you wanted to win this.' He murmured into my ear, then helped me take down the rest of my targets. Now I got all 10.

'Yayyy!' I don't know why I'm celebrating. He took them down. 'Thanks.' I smile at him

'Sure.' He chuckled

'Sir, which one?' The man on the stand asks him, but he just looked so confused

'Which one what?'

I laughed at him, trying to explain to him that he won a plushie for taking them down.

'I don't really want one. Thanks, though.'

'Not even for your girlfriend?' The man smiles, looking at me

Jimin looked at me for a second before turning back to the man. 'That chicken.' He pointed to a bit pink/red chicken on a shelf behind

But that wasn't what I was wondering about. He didn't say a thing when that man called me his girlfriend.

'Here.' He shoves the chicken in my hands

'Why a chicken?' I laugh, looking at it

'Because, like you, chickens tend to make unnecessary noise that no one cares about.' He grins, earning me to snack him with the chicken, to which he just started laughing.

'Is that a way to treat your girlfriend?' I tease, laughing along

'Yeah, don't ever say that again. Sent shivers down my spine.' He visibly shuddered, killing the happiness I felt until a second ago. I know it was a joke in the first place, but it wouldn't kill him to joke along.

'God forbid you joke along.' I muttered under my breath, looking at the plushie I was holding

'Rain.' He stood in front of me, lifting my chin so I'd look at him. 'I was joking a second ago.'

'You were?'

He just smiled a little, 'Come on. I believe you were talking about some cotton candy.' He took my hand in his, pulling me along. And just like that, I'm happy again.

I seriously am an idiot and a half.

We ended up going through most of the things, and he seemed to have relaxed quite a bit. He smiled more than once, which is extremely rare for him. It was almost 1 in the morning when we left the park. I didn't think it would be open this late.

'Hey, wanna go there?' I point to the beach

'Sure.' He nodded

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