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'I fell in love with you.'

He didn't even react. It's like I said good morning. No expression on his face at all.
'I feel sorry for you. That is unfortunate.' Even his tone is flat

'Nothing?' I felt so close to crying. My tears were blurring my vision, edging closer and closer to spilling over. 'Are you truly that empty?' I choked on my words

'If you want me to say that I'm sorry, I can lie. But I told you that long ago. Emotions only get in the way.'

I took a moment to calm down, swallowing back the ball in my throat, stopping my tears. I do not want to cry in the middle of the ballroom.

'Would you feel anything if you weren't...this?' I mumble

'But I am this. There is no point debating what could happen if things were different. This is simply how it is.' He is just as calm as always

'Then let's leave. Let's go somewhere far.' I clutch his collar a bit. 'Somewhere where none of this exists. Just you and me. We can have a normal life without any of this. Let's-'

'Rain, listen to me carefully.' He sounded stern, looking deep into my eyes. 'No matter where I go, I will always be this. My life will always come back to me. And I could never go anywhere with you. I feel nothing for you. I will never feel anything for you. Do you not understand that?'

I felt my heart completely crumble inside of me, feeling like I got punched in the chest. I can barely breathe.

My fingers became more trembly, letting go of him slowly. I want to run away. I need to go. I can't stay here.

'I can't let you go. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to suck it up and fake a smile for a bit longer.' He held me tighter, not letting me move

'Let me go. I can't stay here.' I tried to pull away, but instead of doing that, I got pulled into him. He held me close, hiding my face in his neck. Is he trying to kill me?

'You can hide and cry, but you can't leave. Pull attention, and you're dead.'

Out of 7 billion people in this damn world, I fell in love with the most heartless person to ever exist. And the worst thing is that I knew it from the start. Right about now, I wouldn't mind dying.

'Then just let me die. What do you care what happens to me? You don't feel anything for me.' I push myself away

'I've been told to keep you alive. That's what I'm gonna do. Even if that's not what you want.'

'Then do me a favour. When I'm free to leave, just kill me like you threatened to do so many times before. I have nowhere and no one to go to. And I don't want to live my life loving you.' I whimpered, clutching his blazer a little, trying to hold in the tears

'That I can do.'

He agreed to it like it's nothing, but I meant it anyway. I will most likely spend my life running anyway. I will never be able to live a normal life again after all of this.

'Now we can leave. Hold on until we're in the car, then do what you want.'

I held onto his arm, looking down the entire time. I'm afraid to look up.

I haven't said a word on the way home. I was just staring out the window, mindlessly watching the street lights zoom past us.

I got out of the car before he even turned  it off, going into the house as fast as I could.

'Hello, hello. Did you have fun?' Taehyung smiled at me, with the rest of the guys lounging around. I guess they made it home before we did. But I didn't have the will to speak to any of them, so I just ran past.

'Rain! What's going on?!' Namjoon yelled after me

'Rain!' Jimin's voice thundered behind me. I never heard him yell either. It sent shivers down my spine. 'My knife.' He opens his hand, waiting for it

'What's going on here?' Jungkook asked, looking between the two of us

'Here.' I took the knife from my thigh, flinging it right by his head into a wall behind him. 'Have your fucking knife.'

For the first time ever I saw him completely surprised, looking at the knife that flew an inch away from his face. The rest of them sat up in shock, having no clue what happened.

'You missed.' Jimin says now calmly, pulling the knife out of the wall.

'I meant to.' I glare back, then pull the bracelet off my hand, throwing it right into his chest. 'That one meant to hit.'

'Can someone explain?' Namjoon got up, asking both of us, looking a bit pissed off. But right now, I'm more pissed off and hurt.

'Don't worry. It's my fault. He didn't do a thing.' I tell Namjoon. 'Good night.' I turned and left, going straight for my room. I slammed the door as hard as I could and locked them for the first time since I've been here.

I took off my heels and threw them at the wall, cursing as I did it. I need to get out of here as soon as I can. I can't stay much longer.

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