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I was still wrapped up around him as he carried me upstairs. I giggled with happiness, leaning on his shoulder, almost hiding my face into his neck. His scent is something that I will never have enough of. I hugged him a bit tighter, nuzzling right against his throat.

'What are you doing?' He chuckled. 'Are you sniffing me?' He must have felt me taking a deep breath on his neck

'Mhm.' I nod a little, not moving away or denying it. 'I love your scent.'

He didn't say a word, but he put his hand at the back of my head, keeping me closely pressed to his neck. It's almost like he's helping me to breathe him in more.

'Is she okay?' Namjoon's worried voice came from somewhere. I didn't even realize that we were already upstairs as I had my eyes closed

'She's more than okay.' Jimin answered without even pausing

'Then why-'

'Because I felt like it. See ya.' Jimin cut him off mid question, walking away

The entire time, I just held onto him without even looking up. I don't want to let go. I only looked up when he sat me down on the table in the library.

'What's with that face?' His fingers were gently placed under my cheek, and his voice was soft. 'Why do you look so sad all of a sudden?'

Maybe my face shows more than I'd want it to.
'I didn't want you to let go of me.'

Those perfect lips curved into an even more perfect smile, 'You're not good for my heart.'

I didn't get a chance to ask a thing as his lips fell over mine in a soft kiss. Unlike the kiss earlier, this one was tender. His fingers were just grazing into the hair right under my ears on both sides. I couldn't figure out which was softer, his touch or his lips.

Those velvet soft lips kept gliding over mine in the most perfect way. He would pull away just the smallest bit, but he would keep brushing his lips over mine, smiling as he did it.

'You're smiling.' I smiled myself, saying it to him. I adore seeing him smile. He is truly beautiful.

'I am.' He answered, placing another soft kiss on my lips. 'I can't help it. This is all your fault.'

'What have I done?' I giggled quitely, putting my hands on his that were still holding my face, caressing the back of his hands gently

'I have been wondering the same thing for a while now.' He leans closer, pressing his forehead against mine. 'I love you to death.'

I was nice and concentrated on my work until Jimin walked in and scared the shit out of me. I thought something happened to her, and I panicked, but then the panic turned into a shock and surprise when I realized she was alright, and he just didn't want to let go of her.

'Did I just hallucinate, or did that really happen?' I ask Yoongi

'No hallucinations there, my friend. I think we're gonna have to get used to this shock and disbelief. J has grown a heart.' He laughed quietly at his own words

'What are you-'

'Just wanna see something.' I cut him off as I'm going towards the library where Jimin walked in a minute ago

'Do you have a deathwish?'

'I just wanna make sure she's actually ok. She didn't even look up. What if she's crying?' I argue

'If she was in a bad mood, we'd know it.' Yoongi chuckles. He's most likely right. She's not the type to stay quiet when she's upset. We've all witnessed it more than once. But still...

'It won't hurt to check.' I mumbled, not even sure he could hear me. Not that it matters.

Seems he didn't even close the door I properly. I opened it a bit more, peaking in.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

She was sitting on a desk with him standing right in front of her, kissing her. He kept smiling in a way that I've never seen before. It almost looked like she's gonna melt in his arms with the way he's smiling at her.

'I love you to death.'

His words were clear even to me, and I was miles away. And even from here, I can see how gentle he is with her. He's holding her like she's gonna crumble any moment. And the more she smiles, the softer he gets.

It's not like none of us don't know it, but hearing it like this, seeing him smile like this and act like this... this is not the same person. It can't be.

I should leave before he throws a knife into my face. I'd like to live.

'What is it? What's wrong?' Yoongi was looking at me, sitting up straight from where he was lounging

'Nothing is wrong. It's just- it's-' I am struggling to find the words. 'I never in a million years thought I'd see Jimin in love. I think it only just now downed on me.'

'For a genius, you sure pick up slow on things.' He snickered at me, making me laugh a little

'That's not it.' I chuckle as I sit back down. 'I think we all picked up on it pretty quickly. I just never expected him to be the way he is. Just now, he was so gentle and loving with her. That is anything but Jimin.'

'I am just happy that he's not that empty shell of a man anymore.' 

'Couldn't agree more'

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