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I got nudged awake once we came back home. We didn't leave the beach until 4 in the morning or so, so I fell asleep in the car.

I fluttered my eyes to see the sun already shining in the sky. Damn.

'We're home.' Jimin's voice brought me back from my disorientation, waking me up completely

I have no idea what time it is, but apparently, it's breakfast. All 6 of the guys were at the table in a heated discussion as we walked in.

'Well, well, well.' Yoongi smirked, corssing his arms and leaning back in his chair

'Where did you go?' Jungkook asks, all excited

'And what the fuck is that?' Hoseok laughs, pointing at my hands. I was so sleepy that I didn't realize I was holding the chicken.

I followed his finger and looked down, chuckling a little. 'He kind of robbed the shooting stall at the amusement park and gave me a chicken. Apparently, I create a lot of unnecessary noise. Just like chickens.' I have Jimin a side eye

'Cause you do.' He added under his breath, so I smacked him with the chicken in the tummy, making him laugh a bit

'You went to the amusement park?' Jin raised his eyebrow at Jimin

'Not by choice.' Jimin sighs

'Don't even. I had to drag you out of there.' I tease, earing a headflick, but at least it made the guys laugh

'Stop taking nonsense and go to sleep. We've got that stupid thing to go to tonight.' He tells me a bit more seriously

'Feel free to let me stay asleep.'

'No. If I'm suffering, you are suffering too.' Jimin argues

'If you want me to go with you so badly, you just had to say.' I tease, but I quickly pulled that back when he reached for his knife

'That's what I thought.' He threatened, but he was lightly smiling

'By the way.' I ran into him, hugging him again. 'Thank you!'

He patted me lightly on the back, surprising me once again. 'Please, just go to sleep.'

'Yes, sir. I'll be right on that.' I pulled away and saluted him jokingly before saying bye to the guys and going to my room, falling asleep in a second

Meanwhile downstairs

'I assume you fixed whatever you fucked up?' Taehyung asks Jimin

'What? I haven't done anything.' Jimin deadpans

'She was pissed off for days. That doesn't just happen on its own.' Hoseok chuckles

Jimin shrugged a bit, 'I don't know, and I don't care. I got more important things than worrying about her random thoughts.'

'Is that why you took her out on a date? Because you don't care?' Taehyung snickers, joined by the rest of them

Jimin grimaced at him, pretending to shudder. 'I'll just pretend you never said that for your own good. And she wouldn't stop asking to go out for days and days. I was this close to jamming the knife in her throat.'

'But seriously, J. What happened the other day?' Jin asks, truly wondering, and it got all of them interested all over again. Even Namjoon, who was silenty reading some papers, looked at him

'I told her I can't stand her.' Jimin deadpans

Jungkook facepalmed, while most of them sighed in disappointment or shook their heads. And Namjoon chuckled a bit.

'Why in the fuck would you tell her that?' Hoseok almost yelled at him

'Because she was annoying and it's true.' Jimin deadpans again. 'I've got work to do.' Jimin got tired of their stupid questions and left

'Why can't he just be normal?' Yoongi sighed

'Are we talking about the same guy here?' Jin raises his eyebrow at Yoongi

'Do not press him about this. He will turn back cold, drive her away and possibly commit a genocide because you pissed him off.' Namjoon warns them, making all of them silent for a few moments

'Namjoon, that girl is in love with him.' Yoongi was the first one to speak

'Mhm.' Namjoon nods with a confirmation. 'And that is why we won't mention this again. This can't end well. Just leave it at that.'

'It's not impossible...' Hoseok mumbled

'She most likely won't get out of this alive. Do you want to see him crazier than he is?' Namjoon raises his eyebrow

'What if he miraculously does something about it?' Taehyung asks

'Then that's his business. As long as he does his work, I don't care what he does aside. If anyone can control and shut down their emotions, it's him. As long as she is alive.' Namjoon answers. 'Now stop talking about unneccecary things, and focus on the ball.'

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