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For god knows how long it's been, all Isui did was keep screaming profanities at Jimin. He didn't tell him a bit of information he needed.

And Jimin kept pissing him off, and cutting me left and right.

Both my ribs and legs have been stabbed through. I've been spitting blood for a while now. I've gotten more cuts on my arms as well, and one stab into my other shoulder. From all the hits, I can barely see through my left eye. Not sure if it's because of the blood dripping down it or if it's just swollen.

I have been falling in and out, and everything is boggled up. I can't keep my head up for long. Everything hurts. Even Jimin's voice is almost muffled. Echoy. Every word rings in my head.

I was too out of it when I felt him turning my hands with palms up. And what I felt was sharp pain shooting from my wrist to my elbow.

My wrists... he cut my wrist. I'm numb, but I can feel the warm liquid oozing out of my arm, spilling on the floor.


'Keep going.' Jimin turns a bit stern, and Isui goes quiet

'Fine. Don't.' He pulled another cut over my other wrist, slitting it open

'IT'S GUNS! It's guns!' I can barely hear him... his voice.... it's quiet and distant...

'Ji....min...' I don't know if I'm making any sound at all, but I can feel I don't have much longer...

'Even she talks more than you, and she's a few steps away from death's door.' Jimin chuckles
'I suppose I can hear her last words.'

I felt him leaning closer. I can barely see him. My vision is almost not there. It's like I'm looking at the shadow. A beautiful shadow.

'I... love you.'


I heard her mumbling my name, just barely. She had bled out too much by now. She fell out of consciousness more than once, and I slapped her awake. Every time she did, my heart nearly stopped, thinking she died.

I leaned in, trying to hear what she's saying.

Her eyes are barely open. I don't think she can even see me. But even now, at death's step, she is smiling at me. Trying at least.

'I... love you.'

That was the last thing she said before closing her eyes. Her entire body relaxed, almost flopping. Her hands are long gone, just laying on the top of the arm rest.

I swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure. No, no, no. She can't die. Not like this. I can't watch her die. I need to save her. Get her out of here. Now. I need to play this off.

'Well, seems like she's just about to leave.' I tell him, pretending I find it funny, but I'm this close to crying. 'Last chance to tell me what you know, or I'll let her die.'

'We're importing guns from Madrid.' He sounded almost defeated. His voice muffled. He actually loves her. That is surprising. She even betrayed him, and he still loves her. Who am I to talk? I'm in the same boat.

'4 shipments should have come by now. Last 2 are in tomorrow. Together. Port Iserum. At 3 AM.'

'Anything else?'

'No. No other deals. That is the last one.'

'Too bad you were late. She's gone.' I sigh, watching her limp body lying in that chair. She's covered in bruises and wounds and blood. Her breathing is barely there. She has minutes left, if I can even save her. 'If only you spoke a bit faster, she would have been alive. Congrats. You killed your own daughter.'

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