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I couldn't sleep without her last night, so I went to find her around the house. These days, I only sleep with her. And after what I did yesterday, I didn't want to be away from her.
I hurt her feelings with the most cold words, and I've regretted it in an instant. Her eyes swelled up with tears as soon as those words left my mouth.
The worst part is that not a single word was true. I acted like a damn brat.

I apologised and, as always, she said she didn't care what I said. I don't know why she loves me, but she does. Unconditionally.

I watched her fall asleep in my arms, having a smile on her face the entire time. I thought I was going to cry with happiness. She truly feels safe when she's with me. I don't know how after everything I did to her, but she does.

I had to leave her just so I wouldn't wake her up by kissing her all over. I went to find her because I couldn't sleep without her, only to end up not sleeping at all. I couldn't keep myself away from her. I needed her. Every molecule in my body was screaming for her. And now it's almost 7 in the morning, and she only fell asleep. I didn't let her breathe for almost 4 hours. And I still want her. It's driving me crazy.

I made my way downstairs, only to find Yoongi and Jin already up. They were sitting at the table, drinking coffee. They were always the early birds.

'Morning, J. You're up early.' Jin greets me

'Morning.' I walked past them into the kitchen, pouring a coffee for myself. I don't drink coffee often, but right about now, I need it

When we first come down, it takes us a while to wake up and start functioning. We just end up drinking or eating in silence until someone speaks up. Usually, Namjoon or Jungkook when he gets his energy boost out of nowhere.

And it wasn't any different today. Within an hour or so, they were all down, with Taehyung coming out last.

'Where is Rain? She's usually here before most of us.' Hoseok asked after getting his senses in check

'She just fell asleep an hour ago. Let her rest.' If any of them wake her up, I'm killing someone

'You need to soundproof your room.' Taehyung sighs. 'I thought someone was dying this morning.'

He heard her. Half my fault, to be honest. Mostly my fault. Okay, definitely my fault.
'Which time?' I smirk a little

'Poor woman.' He laughs. 'I also heard both of you laughing like fucking hyenas at about 5. What the hell was that about?'

I instantly remember the story about that useless guy who didn't know how his dick works, and it made me laugh all over again. How can someone be so retarded?!
'Oh, it doesn't matter.' I wave my hand, getting the air back. 'Just something she was talking about.'

'It must be something good if it makes you laugh like that.' Namjoon smiles

'So I'm guessing you fixed your screw up from yesterday?' Yoongi asks

'By the sounds she was making I'd say he fixed next 10 fuck ups.' Taehyung chuckles, making the rest of them join in on the snickering and giggling

'Yes, I fixed it.' I answer to Yoongi, then speak to Taehyung, 'And no one told you to listen.'

'Hard to miss screaming.' He argues

Jungkook started laughing, 'What have you done to her?'

'A lot of things. But nothing polite enough to talk about.' I do love the sounds she makes. It turns me on so much.

Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung started making whooing noises like teenagers, teasing me.

'I don't know if I should feel jealous of your sex life or be afraid for her life if you kept her up all night.' Jungkook snickers

'Maybe don't ask or think about my sex life. That would be preferable. As for keeping her up, I didn't. She was working until almost 3 this morning. She buried the library in research she was doing. If I didn't get her out of there she'd still be in there.'

'Seriously?' Taehyung raises his eyebrow. 'Did she find anything?'

'A lot. The company that we are supposed to save is filtering through employees with the speed of light. Over 300 employees in less than 6 months have gone through the system. None of them worked longer than 3 months in there.' I just repeated everything she told me. 'She had an entire list of employees and wanted to go through them one by one and do a background check.'

'That is beyond suspicious.' Namjoon mumbled almost to himself

'She is through, I'll give her that. That's a lot of work to put on yourself.' Hoseok adds. 'And most of that is what I'm supposed to find. She did my work, too.'

'Where is the list of those employees? I'll put them in the filter system to get all the info. It's a lot faster than doing them manually.' Namjoon asks

'Library. There's an entire mountain of papers there, though.' I answer

'I did some research on that guy she recognised the name from.' Hoseok says to me. 'Mabuchi Rio. He's a Japanese researcher with a very shady background. His past is almost nonexistent. No matter what I go through, nothing is there. Someone wiped him clean.'

'Even better. It means the traces will be left behind. Nothing ever truly disappears.' Namjoon chimes in again

'Do you have a picture of the guy?' Jin asks

'Sure do. If that's him. We can't be sure. One second.' Hoseok got up and came back a minute later with his laptop. 'Anyone recognise him?'

Everyone shook their heads, having no clue about who this man is. Me included.

'Let's hope she knows.' Hoseok closed his laptop

'How did the surveillance go?' Namjoon asks Jin and Jungkook

'All set up. We have live cctv on all corners and streets. I managed to set one up in the parking of the building itself, so we'll know who comes and goes.' Jin explains

'There are a few good stakeout spots as well. I can get a good clean shot from there.' Jungkook nods

'Right. I'll get on that list, and you go on and train a bit. We're gonna get rusty.' Namjoon chuckles. He had a point. Rain had been training the most lately. She's in better shape than we are.

'I haven't broken anyone in a while. Who's up to scrap me?' Jungkook cracks his neck, the cocky little tank he is

'I'll take you on.' I smirk at him, watching his smile slowly fade away. He hates fighting me

'Your funeral.' Taehyung snickers at him

'What's the matter?' I tease him. 'Afraid?'

'Of what?' He scoffs, getting his grin back. 'I'll wipe the ring with you.'

The fake bravery is hilarious. 'Let's see how that works out for you.'

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