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'Morning.' I smiled with my eyes still closed, feeling Jimin's arm around me, holding me close. That is not unusual. What is, is the fact that he didn't answer.

I opened my eyes, and for the first time ever, I saw him sleeping. I've never seen him asleep. Not once.

He looks so peaceful. Pressed closely to me, I feel his chest moving as he's taking deep, steady breaths. His hair is ruffled all over, but somehow, it still looks good. Those plump lips of his are ever so lightly pouted, but in a perfect line still. He looks more like a doll than a living person like this.
How can someone look this perfect just sleeping? All he does is breathe, and it makes my heart feel like it's going to jump out. Painfully beautiful.

I decided not to move an inch, not wanting to wake him up. Watching him, all the memories from last night flooded my mind, and I had to hold back those squeals of happiness.

The way he touched me and kissed me was nothing short of magical. It was like he was kissing me for the first time. He kept telling me how much he adores me, pleading with me to never stop loving him. As if I could ever do that. I am still wondering about what happened last night. It's like something clicked in him and turned him into the gentlest man ever known.

I was honestly afraid of staying in bed with him. I stopped my own hand from touching him more than once. Seeing him like this makes me want to shower him with love and affection and kisses, so I need to get out before I wake him up.

Knowing how easily he wakes up, it was a task getting myself out of that bed and out of his arms. I bit my lip, praying in my mind as I looked at him from afar.

He's naked and only covered barely up to his hips. One arm under his head and the other one still in the same spot it was when I was under it. His body is pure perfection. Every line of his body looks hand drawn. Impeccable.

Rain, get yourself out of here before you attack him and wake him up.

'Morning, sunshine.' Yoongi waves lightly, smiling at me. The rest of them are here as well.

'Morning, morning.' I chuckle, flopping down on the chair

'Is Jimin working? I haven't seen him this morning.' Jin asks me

'No. He is actually still asleep.'

Namjoon coughed a little after taking a sip of his coffee. Seems they're all surprised.

'Jimin? Sleeping?' Taehyung announciated every word separately like he's making sure he heard well

'I know.' I chuckle. 'I checked if he was still alive. I've never seen him asleep, so it was quite a shock. But he's out completely.'

'Damn. You broke the man. He's turning into a human.' Hoseok jokes

'I have no idea what happened, but I'm happy he's actually resting. He's like a damn vampire. He's always up. I was contemplating drugging him one of these days just so he can rest.' I joke 

'It probably wouldn't work on him. His robotic issues would melt the drugs.' Jungkook jokes as well

'Well, his robotic brain certainly helped. That USB he brought was a goldmine. Taehyung doesn't even need to use his lab. Everything is on it. He saved us about a month worth of work.' Namjoon smiles all happy

'I'm still gonna do it, just to make sure the notes are accurate.' Taehyung added. 'But if those notes are accurate, not only do we need to take down the company, we need to blow the building to pieces.'

'What do you mean?' I ask him. The rest of the guys seem to have already been told about it, as they didn't react much

'The components they mixed in those viles, the blue on specifically, if injected, the person could lose itself. Quite literally.'

I was as confused as you could get, so he continued explaining.

'The components they put in there hit straight into the part of the brain that's in charge of the memory. Just injected into a person, it could erase everything in the person's brain. Depending on the dosage the person receives, maybe only a part could be lost. It's a mind control of sorts. If they pushed it further and experimented, they might be able to alter someone completely.'

'They could change a person?' I lean forward in shock

'Here. You know what Jungkook is like. A happy puppy. If they captured him and used the drug on him, they could alter his brain to make him into the scariest assasin this world has seen. They could erase or change his fears. They could erase all memory of us and instead make us seem like the threat to him, setting him to kill us all.'

'Oh my God.' I covered my mouth. 'Is there a way to fix a person if that happens?'

'The other two viles.' He nods. 'It looks like variants of a cure of sorts. It doesn't look like they're fully developed just yet. There are kind of like tests. But the blue one... that one is dangerous and fully functional. Someone is up to something.'

'Not someone. Mabuchi. I knew nothing good would come out of this if he's involved.' I almost spat at the mere mention of his name

'I can't seem to track him down. And it's not because he's not on the map. It's because he is everywhere. I can't pinpoint the exact location. It is insanity. Someone is working overtime on keeping him well hidden.' Namjoon explains

'We haven't seen him in Icheon either. Not one of us. And he is supposed to be the company president.' Jungkook adds

'Maybe he is just the name they slapped on top.' Yoongi chimes in, stroking his chin in thought. 'Maybe someone else entirely runs the place.'

'That's also a possibility, but Rain already told us about his past tests and how the subject went mad. I'm positive he has something to do with it.' Jin says

'100 percent. It does the same exact thing, just modified. This time, it's not an experiment. This could be turned into a weapon.' Taehyung says

'What do we do now?' Hoseok turns to Namjoon, followed by the rest of the guys doing the same thing

Namjoon leaned back in his chair, leaving his wrist to rest on the table in front of him. 'By tomorrow, my bots will crack through the walls of whoever it was that hacked the company. Once we know who emptied the accounts, we will also know why. Until then, we can't do a damn thing.'

He sounded almost frustrated, but it is understandable. Such a drug to be out there is a cause to panic. It could be used in a terrible way. And we can't even stop it because we can't find that damn lunatic that created the fucking thing.

'Tomorrow it is.'

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