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I know I asked him to teach me how to dance, but I honestly expected him to flat out say no and threaten to break my legs or something.

'Let's do this quickly.' He spoke in that cold tone of his. 'Do you know anything at all?'

'I think I got the basics.' I nod. I kind of know what I'm supposed to do, but I've never been to a damn ball. If it's anything like it is in my head, then it should be all fancy.

'Let's check on that.' He stood in front of me, looking into my eyes. 'Where do your arms go?'

'Don't cut off my arms.' I scold him, getting him to roll his eyes in annoyance. But I just don't wanna be threatened.

I reluctantly put one hand on his shoulder, but the other hand is kind of...  a problem? I know I'm supposed to put my hand in his. I'm not retarded. My eyes darted from his eyes to his hand, and I gulped quietly, trying to think of how to do this without looking awkward.

While I was thinking of how to approach it, he surprised me by taking my hand himself and pulling me almost into his chest, putting his other arm around my back. I could feel his open hand in the middle of my back, holding me firmly pressed to him.

I'm so used to him either beating me or throwing me around, so him holding me this gently is making me flustered more than it should. And the fact that I'm so close to him that I can smell him is making it all so much worse.

'Do you know which way to go?' He is talking normally as he always does. As much as his indifference annoys me at times, in these situations, it is kind of perfect.

'Left foot back?' I ask, and he nods

He shortly explained to me what to do and where to go before we started actually moving around. I don't even need to think. I can feel him pulling me gently to wherever I'm supposed to go, leading me. This is.. easy?

But then he suddenly stopped, and let go of my hand, putting it uder my chin, lifting it up. 'From now on, you can't look at your feet. You have to look at me.'

'A-at y-you?' That was way too much stuttering

'Who else? You're dancing with me, aren't you?'

'Y-yeah.' I nod lightly. 'But I'll step on you.'

'I can assure you that no matter how many times you step on me, it will hurt less than you biting me. I'll live.' He kind of smiled, barely, but it's there. The corners of his lips twitched up a little.

'Up here.' He squeezed that arm around my back a little, telling me to look into his eyes. Fuck. I was staring at his lips. He will actually murder me one of these days. What the hell is wrong with me?!

'Sorry. I'm ready.' I straighten myself up, looking into his eyes as he told me

He was still leading me, just like before. I honestly thought I'd step on him and kill his feet, but that didn't happen.

He let out a sigh, 'What are you giggling for now?'

'You're great at this.' I kept giggling. 'Where did you learn how to dance?'

'I don't know if I ever learned. I just watched people do it and remembered what they did and how they moved. I'm just copying what I saw.'

'You can do just about anything, can't you?' I smile

'Don't know. Haven't tried everything.' He shrugs

'Is there anything that you wanna know how to do that you haven't done yet?'

'You ask an awful lot of questions. It can get you killed.' Those cold eyes again

'I didn't ask you anything crazy, did I? Besides, who am I gonna tell?' I sigh. 'I haven't even gone out of this place in 2 months. I forgot what sun and rain feel like.' I mumbled a bit

I haven't even gone out to the balcony, afraid of getting sniped or something like that. Not that I think it will happen, considering how well guarded this place is.

He was dead silent for a minute, and all I could hear were the steps we were taking as he moved us around.

'Live freely.' He finally spoke

'What do you mean?'

'I never learned how to relax and just do nothing. All I've been doing is looking over my shoulder my entire life.'

He is actually answering my questions? I need to write this date down.

'You really had a tough life, haven't you?' I do feel awful for him. That is a horrible way to live.

'I made quite a few enemies, so my life is non-existent. I can't go wherever I want without having to expect something to happen.'

'Is there not a single place you can go to and be free? Not even outside of Seoul?'

'Maybe.' He mumbles

'Then... let's go.' I smile at him, making him grimace a bit

'What the fuck are you going on about?'

'Let's go somewhere. Escape for a day. We can go somewhere where no one knows you.' I squeezed his shoulder a little in excitement, hoping a bit much

'Okay, listen here.' He stopped us from moving, staring into my eyes. 'Even if I had the time to go anywhere, do you really think I would bring you with me?'

'I just thought... I haven't gone out in a long time. And you said you want to live freely. I thought we could do that even for a day.' I guess I was hoping too much

'Yeah, that's not happening. I have work to do, and if I'm going, I'm going on my own. I don't need you yapping around me. I have enough of that here. I can barely stand you as it is.' He sounded cold, like he used to sound all the time. I thought we got a bit more friendly. I suppose I forget who he is. But it still hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

'Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry. That was a bad idea.' I smiled a little, feeling like I'm choking on my words a little. 'I think I'm good now. Thanks for this.'

I let go of him a bit too quickly, but I don't really feel like dancing or doing anything like that at the moment. Why did I even ask him something like this? Have I gone mental!?

'If this is all it takes to hurt your feelings, you won't get far.' He spoke just loud enough for me to hear as I was walking away

I stopped in my tracks, turning around to look at him. 'I'm not hurt. I already know you despise me, so that's not anything new that you told me. I'm just tired. That's all. I'll see you later.' I waved and kept walking, feeling my eyes burn a little. I am such an idiot.

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