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'Lay back down.' 

His tone was demaning, authoritative. But that wasn't what got to me. It was the words.

'Huh? What?'

'Lay back down.' He repeats. 'Do you want to learn how to save yourself from this or not?' 

'Y-You're gonna teach me?' I stuttered so much I had first and second hand embarrassment

'I could get Jungkook back if you prefer that.'

'No! No. Thank you. I'm good.' I quickly back up. Not a chance.

'Then stop complaining and lay back down.' He gestures to the floor where I was a minute ago

I swallowed hard, laying back down where he told me. I watched him brush back his hair, then get down on his knees, and crawl on top of me.

He held me the same way Jungkook did, minus his hand in my shirt, which I more than appreciate.

I never saw him from this up close, and I think I might have a heart attack. He is actually really pretty. His eyes might be cold, and he might look like there is nothing behind them at all, but they are still beautiful. And his lips are kind of perfect. I never noticed how full his lips are.

'What are you doing?'

'Sorry, what?' He startled me quite a bit

'Are you just gonna stare at me like I'm an alien, or are you gonna do something?' He shoots

'Yeah. Yeah.' I shake my head a little, swallowing again. I want to move, but he is holding me so firlmy that I can't budge.

'Are you even trying? You're basically just squirning a little. No fight in there whatsoever.' He sounded like he's scolding me

'You're- I can't move. You're holding me too tightly.'

'No one attacking you is gonna hold you gently.' He sighs. 'Okay, listen. If you can't move at all, and if someone's this close, put all of your strength into your legs. And then go for the crotch. If that is not an option, neck. Bite. You can't use arms and legs, use your mouth. Bite as hard as you can.'

'Got it. Balls and neck. Got it.' I nod frantically, looking into his eyes. 'But, what if it's like now? You're not that close that I can bite you, and I definitely can't move. What then?'


I couldn't hold it, and I started laughing. I know he was serious, but it's still funny.

'You are such a lost cause.' He sighs, sounding kind of frustrated

'Sorry. It's just kind of funny.' I tried hard to keep in that chuckle

'There is another thing that could give you a hand up, but it might also fuck you up 3 times more.'


'It's not an easy thing to do when you're being assaulted, but playing into it helps. Pretend you're into it. Go along. The hold on you won't be as strong, and it will give you a chance to do something. Anything.'

'I suppose that makes sense.' I smile

'What is funny now?' He sighs again

'Nothing funny. You're just... you're beautiful.'

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!  I did NOT mean to say that! Not out loud.

'Unfortunately, that tactic won't work on me. And giving fake compliments is not what I meant by playing along.'

'That's- I wasn't doing that. It wasn't a fake compliment either.'

No reaction on his face at all. Just staring through me, while my face felt like it's melting off.

'Jungkook should hit you a little less over the head. You're getting brain damage.' He deadpanned

I started laughing again, unable to deal with his serious face and such dumb jokes.

'Yep. Lost cause.' He sighed and set me free, pulling himself off

'Sorry, sorry. I know it's not funny, it's just the way you say these things with the most serious face... I couldn't help it.'

'Okay. Get up. I wanna see what you've learned so far.'

'Not much besides getting my guts punched out.' I sigh, but I get up

'Right. Come at me.' He motions at me to attack him

'Fine then. Defend.' He attacked me instead, going for the punch, as I wasn't attacking

Thanks to Jungkook beating the shit out of me, my reflexes got a lot better, and I can kind of protect myself. Which I did right now.
I blocked him even though it was painful, then hit him right back.

He was a bit surprised, his eyes widening a bit as he looked at me, and for the first time ever, he smiled. Just a little, but he did.

'Okay. It seems Jungkook did something after all. That wasn't half bad.'

'Was that a smile I just saw, or do my eyes deceive me?' I tease

'Less talking, more fighting.' He wiped the smile off his face and went back to his serious self

No matter what, for a tiny split second, he smiled. Not a fake smile. A real one.
And then he beat the crap out of me.

'Alive there?' He teases, watching me gasp for air in the corner

'U-huh.' I nodded wiping my face from all the sweat

Loking over, I saw him doing the same, then brushing back his hair. Now that I think about it, he often does that. Brushing his hair back. And then the breath I just managed to get back, escaped my lungs in a millisecond.

I watched him pull his shirt up, then pull it over his head, leaving it over the rope of the ring.

But it's not the shirt that got my attention. It's him.

First, the only thing I could see were his back. A muscly back. He is not as big as Jungkook, but he is... damn. And then he turned around, using both hands to brush back his hair.

I don't know where to look. His muscly shoulders, his tattooed chest, his abs, or his stomach with a long scar stretching across the bottom of the abdomen, in the dent of his V musle, going right under the edge of his sweatpants.

'Stop daydreaming and get moving.' He walked over, cracking his neck, starting a new fight

Soon enough, it didn't matter if he had a shirt on or not. I was in too much pain to care for that.

'Hold on, you trained her?' Hoseok looked at me and Jimin in shock once we came back up

I was barely hanging onto life. I feel worse after this one session with him, than after weeks of Jungkook.

'I was just checking what she learned so far.' He says

'For someone who says he brought me here to save me, it sure feels like you're trying to kill me.' I grunt, holding onto my ribs

'I was going easy on you. Tomorrow you're not getting off like that.' He says and walks off

Hold on.

'Tomorrow?!' I yelled after him, watching him leave, with Hoseok pissing his pants with laughter

'Good luck, Rain. You're gonna need it.'

Yeah, you're telling me.

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