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'Are you sure you want to do this? I will not be holding back.' Jimin warns me

'You should be the worried one here.' I tease, stretching out a bit

It's been a few weeks and I'm pretty much good as new. The only scars I've got left are on my left thigh, left ribs and one of my wrists, and that is is barely visible. As for the rest, it's like nothing ever happened. And seeing how I'm perfectly fine, I can train again. I missed it quite a bit.

'Any last words?' He smirks

'You keep talking. Are you nervous?' I tease

He shook his head, smiling at the floor as he walked to the middle of the ring. He ran his hand through his hair, pushing it back, then motioned at me with his index finger to come to him.

I basically ran to him, jumping at him, and he caught me right away, holding me up on himself as I wrapped my legs around him.

'Are you trying to get yourself killed or something?' He laughs

'Nope. I'm just here for this, then we can fight.' I smile and hug him around the neck, kissing him deeply

'Mmmm... we should fight more often.' He smiles against my lips

'If that's what you want.' I smile, kind of throwing myself backwards. I leaned all the way to the ground, bouncing off of my hands, kicking him away a bit before landing on my feet. Thank God for all the gymnastics and bending us left and right.

'That was rude.' He smiled, brushing his shirt down. He reached down for his knife, only to realise he was missing it.

'Looking for this?' I giggle, showing him his knife

'Fuck sake.' He sighs. 'But that's fine. I don't need a knife. I'll kick your ass without it.'

He did some crazy ass spin kick, running at me. If I didn't duck, I'd have died. He might not have hit that one, but he certainly didn't plan on letting me escape. He grabbed my leg, trying to pull me to himself, but I pulled him instead, and he landed on top of me.

'You are trying to die.' He smirks, trapping my arms

'Not even close.' I smirk back, using my legs to wrap them around him, pushing him down, so now I'm on top of him

We ended up just wrestling, switching positions for a good while, but it ended with him pinning me down to the ground with my face planted almost into it.

'This is where you tap out.' He was talking through the labored breathing from all the fighting, holding my arms tight on the bottom of my back

'Never.' I kept budging, but I was definitely fucked here. He is strong as fuck.

'That so?' He chuckles. He leaned into my ear, speaking quietly, purposely brushing his lips over my earlobe. 'I can do whatever I want, and you can't move.'

'Delusional much?' I tease

'Am I?' His lips went a bit lower, kissing right under my ear, going lower and lower over my neck, and his other hand slid under me, going under my shirt. I wasn't gonna stop him, even if I could.

Instead, I relaxed, closing my eyes as his hand travelled lower, going into my pants. He barely even touched my underwear and I was done and gasping.

'Shouldn't you be fighting back?' He teases

'Keep touching me.' I breathe out

His hold on my hands let up a little as his other hand worked on going over my panties. As much as I want this, this is not the place for it. And it's kind of funny that he's the one who told me to go along with these things when he was teaching me how to save myself, and now he's doing the same.

I squirmed a bit, noticing that there's a lot more space to move around, including my hands being almost free. He was barely holding me. Gotcha.

I pulled my hands away as quickly as I could, using my elbow to push him away, then rolling over on top of him, leaning his knife against his throat.

'Fuck.' He groaned, leaning his head back on the ground, then started laughing

'How the mighty have fallen.' I tease. 'Seems the seduction works on you just fine.'

'If I fucked myself over like this, I deserve to die.' He laughs

'I was amazed, then uncomfortable, then amazed again. What the fuck did I just watch?' Hoseok was standing a bit further away, kind of chuckling in shock

Both of us looked over at him as we didn't notice him there at all, but Jimin took the opportunity to throw me off and pin me down.
'Distractions. What an amateur move.' He was smirking at me

'You're only alive because I let you live. Don't get cocky.' I laugh

'Rain, what was that thing you did in the beginning? That rolling back thingy? That was cool.' Hoseok asks

'Oh, just a basic backspring. It's quite easy.'

'Might be easy when you're bendy like you are.' Jimin chuckles, getting off of me, then offering his hand up pull me up

'Show me again. How did you do it?' Hoseok got to the ring, getting all excited

'Like a child.' I laugh, but I do what I did earlier. I bent over backwards into a bridge, throwing my legs over slowly until I reached the ground.

'Jesus. You're like a rubber band.' He laughs and claps excitedly

'You don't need to be particularly bendy. You can do it if you're athletic or explosive. I can teach you if you want.' I offer

'I broke my back looking at you.' He waves his hand. 'Can you do shit like that?' He asks Jimin, and he nods

'Do it, do it.' He is so excited about the simplest of things.

'You really are a child.' Jimin chuckles, but does the same thing as I did. He is damn flexible himself. 'You can do it like this if you find it hard to flip slowly.' Jimin says, and does the same flip, but a lot faster. Kind of throwing himself on his arms, then pushing himself off.

'That looks 10 times harder. Fuck that.' Hoseok grimaces

'It's actually easier. You just need to be explosive.' I confirm

'Can you do those areal things? You know like a human starfish but without the hands?'

'You mean a cartwheel?' Jimin laughs

'Yeah, yeah! That thing!' Hoseok giggles

'That's basics. I think kids in primary school can do that.'

Hoseok was just staring at him, waiting for him to do it.

'Unbelievable.' Jimin mumbled, but did it, getting Hoseok to applaud him. He is truly a child in these moments. Adorable.

'How about instead of being a kid, you fight her a bit?' Jimin tells him, sitting down by the ropes

'You wanna?' I ask

'I'm down. Got nothing else to do.' He shrugs, taking off his shoes and shirt. He is surprisingly muscly for a skinny guy. I suppose they all are.

'I'm ready when you are.' He says, cracking his neck a bit

'You don't seem ready.'

He was down in seconds, grunting in pain after getting kicked in the stomach and in the face.
Jimin was laughing at him from the corner, mocking him.

'I did not see that coming.' He laughed a bit

'Come on. Up we go.' I pull him up. 'Try again.'

We ended up sparring for quite a bit, and he is not weak as he seems. It hurts. But I held my own. I got a few bruises, but I'll be more than fine.

'Fight club boys, we've got a meeting. Come on up.' Jungkook came to pick up Jimin and Hoseok. I guess they have a new job to do.

'I'll be back soon.' Jimin says

'That's fine. I'm just gonna lay here and sleep.' I threw myself down, spreading like a starfish on the ground and closing my eyes

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