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We spent the rest of the day in bed, barely letting go of each other. I'm tired, and even my lips hurt. I couldn't stop kissing him until my lips had gone swollen and numb. He must have left dozens of marks on me, and each of them made me happier than the last.

'Are you feeling okay? Does it hurt?' His soft voice brought me back from my daydreaming thoughts. Although they were about him.

'No, I'm okay. Nothing hurts.' I smile

'Can you please be honest. I know those hurt.' He traced around the stitches on my ribs, swallowing loudly

'They sting a bit, but only if I turn on my side or touch them. But it honestly looks a lot worse than it is. I don't feel them otherwise.'

'They never should have been there in the first place.' He mumbled

'Taehyung said that they most likely won't even leave the scars or that they'll be really thin because the cuts were clean. You need to stop beating yourself up over it. Please. I can't look at you like this.'

'How could I not? I almost killed the woman I love. I will hate myself for it for the rest of my life. You have no idea how much it hurts me to see each one of those cuts, knowing I'm the reason they're there. I was supposed to protect you, and I did this instead. I don't even deserve to be near you.'

'Do you need me to slap some sense into you?' I lift myself up a little. 'We both know I could have just as easily hidden away and never go with you. But I didn't. I chose to come here and put myself through it, knowing what's gonna happen. I told you a million times, and I'll tell you again. I would have much rather died that lived without you. And I'm not dead. I think we both know that if you wanted me dead, I would have been.'

'It doesn't change the fact that I did hurt you.' It's like talking to the wall

'Jimin...' I climbed on top of him, sitting on his lap, so I'm looking right at him.
'What do I need to do to prove to you that none of it matters? I don't care about what we've done in the past. I just want to be with you. I want us to have a future. As much as we can in this shit life we've got. Don't you want the same?'

'Of course I want the same.' He reached for my face, cupping it gently. 'I want to be with you every single moment of every single day. If we could stay like this all day every day, I'd be the happiest man alive.'

'Then let's focus on that. Let's make the best of what we've got. We may not be able to have a normal life and do normal things, but I don't think either of us is used to normal anyway.' I chuckle a bit

'Normal scares me to a degree. I don't know what to do in normal situations and with normal people.'

'You were okay when we went to that amusement park.' I smile

'I almost stabbed a guy who brushed against me because for a moment, I thought he was holding a gun in his hand. It was popcorn. I almost killed someone because of popcorn.'

This was not supposed to be as funny as it ended up being.

'How is that funny?' He asks, chuckling a little himself

'I'm sorry, you're just cute.' I kept giggling

'You're mental. I told you I almost stabbed someone, and you say I'm cute. You are so messed up.' He sighs

'Okay, okay.' I calmed down a bit. 'But aside from the almost stabbing, you seemed okay. You even played those stupid games with me. I still have the chicken.' I giggle

'Course I played. You asked me to. I surely didn't go for the damn cotton candy for myself either.' He laughs

'Oh, so you were being romantic.' I giggle, scooting a bit closer

'Not sure if that's romantic, but I just wanted you to be happy. I did hurt your feelings telling you that I couldn't stand you. It ate me alive seeing you hurt and angry with me. As much as I kept telling you that your feelings were of no importance to me, it just wasn't true. It would keep me up every damn time.'

'Trying to keep the person you care about happy and doing things that you despise to make them smile is very much romantic.' I giggle.' But that aside, I did always wonder if you sleep at all. Every time I wake up, you are already awake. And I always fall asleep before you.' 

'I have some sort of an alarm in my head. I tend to wake up at the tiniest noise or movement. I've been like that most of my life. I sleep about 3 hours, 4 at most. Have been for a decade.'

'Don't you feel tired? That's barely enough rest.'

'Sometimes, but even if I try, I can't sleep.' He sighs. 'I do tend to feel more rested when I sleep with you. You look so peaceful when you fall asleep in my arms, and it helps me relax so much.'

'You know, the only place where I ever felt truly safe is with you. When you hold me, I feel like nothing bad could ever happen. Even when I first came here, although you scared the shit out of me, I felt safe with you.'

He was looking at me with his eyes wide open in surprise. 'I think you trust me a bit too much.'

'I do. I trust you with my life without a second thought.' I smile

'Apparently so.' He sighs. 'You are one crazy woman.'

'You would be bored if I was normal.' I tease

'That is most likely true.' He chuckled a little, pulling himself up a little, kissing me slowly, sensually

'Mmmm... again?' I smile into the kiss

'Unfortunately, we've got work to do. We've been in here 10 hours.'

'Wanna make that 12?' I lick his bottom lip

'Are you trying to fuck me to death?' He teases

'No, but it wouldn't be the worst way to die, would it?' I giggle

'Idiot.' He laughs, then kisses me once more. 'Let's deal with Isui first, then we can have some peace.'

'I can deal with that.'

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