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'Do you think he'll bring her back?' Yoongi asks Namjoon

'Most definitely. It's only a matter of the state he'll bring her in.'

'Does he really have to torture her? It's gonna break him.' Jungkook says in a concerning tone

'Unless we find a different way to gather info, I'm afraid he will have to.'

'Why him? Why not one of us?' Jin asks

'Do you really want him breathing down your neck for hurting the woman he loves? He would kill you before you even raised your hand at her.' Yoongi argues

'I guess we're gonna have to wait and find out.'


I was sitting in the backseat, pressing my hand into my ribs, using the boxes to keep myself up. This hurts so bad, but not as half as the way he looks at me.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him, wishing I could turn back time. Wishing none of this ever happened. But that won't ever happen. I know what is going to happen, and if it helps him feel better, then I'll gladly die.

'Welcome back. Enjoy your last moments.' He said in that stern tone at he parked in the driveway, then got out and pulled me out of the car with so much force I almost landed on my face.

'I'm not carrying your shit for you.' He shoved one of the boxes in my arms, and the corner of the box hit me right in the wound, making me yelp

'Move.' He pushed me, making me stumble

Only two weeks ago, this place was my home. I had a family, sort of. And I had him. And right now, all I have is 6 guys who might kill me as soon as they see me, and the man I love who despises me and is set to torture me to death.

The closer we got to the room they're in, the more anxious I felt. I'm gonna get shot right from the door.

'Keep walking.' He pushed me in the living room, making me stumble again, resulting in the box to hit me in the ribs again, just a lot harder this time, making me spew blood

I looked up to see all 6 of them staring at me. Namjoon and Yoongi looked as pissed off as you could get, with Yoongi cocking his gun. Hoseok and Taehyung looked almost sorry, with some unreadable facial expression. While Jungkook and Jin kept cool, not showing a thing.

'Sit.' Namjoon spoke in that commanding tone

'He told you to sit.' Jimin grabbed my hair, pulling me down to the chair. At the moment, him pulling my hair is the least of my worries.

'Talk. And be careful about what you tell me.'

Before I even spoke, Jimin's knife was under my eye. 'Choose your next words carefully.'

'What do you want to know? Just ask.' I look at Namjoon

'Start at the beginning. Who are you?'

'Rain Amonis. Daughter to that fucking spawn of evil, Isui.' I feel disgusted even saying his name out loud. 'He brought me into this after he killed my mother.' I then turn to Jimin. 'That old knife you're holding in your pocket, the one you are saving for him, he killed my mother with that exact knife.'

'How do you know it was him?' Namjoon asks again

'He told me himself. And he took me out of there after he stabbed her to death. He changed my name and everything. I have no idea what my name used to be. I was too young to remember.'

'Your job.'

'Infiltration.' I cough a little, tasting more blood coming out of my mouth, so I wiped the corners. 'I get into certain circles. I get put into them with a task of seducing or befriending someone high up, preferably the leader, then send out info back to him. Destroying the ring from the inside out.'

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