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I ran in a hurry to Jimin's room, trying to close the door as fast as I could. He ran out of the bathroom in panic, having nothing but a towel around him, and he grabbed a knife from his dresser.

'Help.' I plead with him, trying to keep the door closed as they're being pushed open


'Open up! You're coming whether you want it or not!' Hoseok's giggles were followed by Jin's manic laughter as they kept pushing

Jimin visibly relaxed as he heard their voices, putting the knife down. 'You scared the shit of of me. What's going on?' He sighs

'Save me. Please!' I yelped, pushing the doors closed with my back, leaning on them

'JIMIN SEND HER OUT!' Jin yelled from the outside

'Let me.' Jimin walked over, gently pulling me away from the door, opening them up. 'What is going on, and why are you breaking into my room?'

The two guys standing in front of him looked him up and down and started giggling. 'We need the bride.' Hoseok grins

'No, you don't.' I protest

'I'm still waiting.' Jimin demands

'We are just trying to get her into a wedding dress, and she is refusing to cooperate. What kind of wedding would it be without the dress?' Jin whined, mostly at me

Jimin turned to me, trying hard not to laugh. 'Did you think I was going to save you from this?'

'Yes! That's why I'm here!' I state the obvious

'Come on, Rain! Are you going to wear his sweatshirt to your own wedding?' Hoseok argues

'Come out or we're coming in for you.' Jin threatens

'I'll sort it out.' That's all Jimin said before closing the door in their faces, locking them. And then he locked his eyes into mine.

'Thank you.' I sigh in relief and gratitude

'Come here a second.' He sat down on the edge of the bed, opening his hand for me to take it, so I did. I giggled as he pulled me on himself, helping me to basically straddle him.

'Hey.' I smile, softly playing with his wet strands of hair

'Hey.' He smiles back. 'What's with the running?'

'They are a bit too excited. They've been chasing me through the entire house about the dress.' I pout, whining a bit. I just don't see the point. There are gonna be 9 of us with the officiant.

'And you don't want to wear one?' His hands were securely wrapped around my waist, his fingers moving up and down over the thin fabric on my skin, caressing me as he spoke

'We are gonna be there for 10 minutes. And we're only doing this because I need a new name. Is there really a point?'

He looked down, his face still holding a smile, but it somehow didn't look happy.

'What's wrong?' I ask him

'That's not true.' He spoke quietly, still looking down

'What's not true?'

'I didn't ask you to marry me so you could get a new name.' His eyes looked up at me, and as he looked up, my heartrate went up, too. 'I asked you because it's been on my mind a lot.'

'What?' I had a feeling like my eyes would fall out with how open they were. And I could barely even whisper.

'Rain, we both know that we could both die any moment. But for those moments that we are alive, I want you to be mine. All of you. In every way there is. As much as I never saw the point of marriage, that all changed when I fell in love with you. I understand now why people do it. I understand because I want it, too.' He was smiling at me lightly, speaking slowly so I'd get all of it perfectly

'You... you want to marry me?' I repeat in a constant whisper

'Of course, I do, baby. I want everything with you. We can't have a normal life. Normal relationship. This marriage won't be normal either.' He chuckled a little, 'But for the first time in my life, I want to do something for myself. We may die tomorrow, but if I do go, I want you to live on knowing that I died loving you. That I died belonging to you, my body, heart, and soul. If I have them. Changing your name was just the perfect excuse to ask you.'

Now, the surprise changed into happiness, making my heart run into a frenzy. He was thinking about this for a while. He didn't do it for the work. He... he actually wants me like that.

'You want to marry me.' This time, I said it with a smile as a tear slid down my cheek

He smiled back, wiping the tear away with his thumb. 'You have no idea about everything that I want with you, baby.'

His lips fell on mine, claiming me as his once again. Fingers in my hair keeping me close as our breaths mix between the smiling and the kisses.
Pulling away slowly, his lips pushed out more words to set my soul on fire.

'I want to see you in a dress.'

The words he spoke tickled my lips with the closeness. Not wanting to even look at me as he said it, he kissed me again, softly pressing his lips on mine.

'Could you please wear it? For me?' He almost pleaded. He must want this a lot. And now I do, too, seeing how much it would mean to him.

'Who am I to say no to my husband?' I smile, receiving the biggest smile in the world in return, followed by a deep, loving kiss

'That sounds even better than I thought it would.' He almost giggled, cupping my face gently

'I better go get that dress then, because you're about to hear it a lot more often.'

'God, I can't wait to see you.' Another deep kiss that took my breath away as he pulled me so close to himself that we melted into one

'I love you.' I whisper on his lips

'I love you, too. More than you could imagine.'

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