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He truly pretended nothing happened. Not a single change in his behaviour. I wish I could shut my emotions off like that. Instead, it's eating me alive from the inside. Every time I look at him, my heart breaks a little at his cold stare. When he speaks to me with so much indifference and lack of emotion, I feel like crying. He doesn't even smile at me anymore. Nothing at all. I pushed him away even more than I thought I would. He might actually hate me now.

'What's going on in there?' Jungkook taps me on the head, pulling me back to earth

'Oh, sorry. Not much.' I chuckle. 'I was wondering what I'd be doing right now if that day at the mall never happened.' Half lie, half truth.

'Serving shit coffee to shit customers?' Hoseok teases

'You are probably right. I might prefer getting shot.' I laugh, making the rest of them join in on the joke

'What will you do when you're back? Going back to waitressing?' Taehyung asks

'I don't know, honestly. With everything I know now, I think I'll just try and leave Seoul. Maybe I'll go to Europe. Somewhere far.'

'We can help you with that.' Namjoon says

'You guys have done way more than enough for me. I need to do this on my own. New start and all.' I smile

'You can consider that a parting gift. One last goodbye and all.' Jungkook grins

'You'll never see us again anyway. It will be a thank you for helping us with the last job.' Namjoon adds

My heart clenched at his words of never seeing them again. I used to think they were scary and dangerous, which they are. But they are good people. They do good things. And Jimin made them sound awful to scare me. He told me that a bit later. I'm gonna miss them. But I'm gonna miss him the most.

'Sure.' I chuckle. 'If the time for that comes, I'll let you know.' I just gave up. It's not like they gave me a choice

'I think I'll just turn in for the night. Thanks, guys. I'll see you in the morning.' It is a bit early, but I don't feel like sitting around, talking about leaving. About life where I won't see him again.

'Night, night.'

I showered and threw myself on the bed after, just looking at the ceiling for a long time, thinking about what to do. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, when I heard a few clicking sounds and then pure silence.

I opened my eyes to find myself in darkness. There was no light anywhere. I usually have both my lamps on, and they're both off. I panicked right away, tapping around in the darkness, frantically trying to turn them on.

'Please, please, please.' I muttered to myself, clicking relentlessly on the switch, but nothing. The other side is the same.

I got off the bed, bumping into a few things as I was reaching around in the darkness, trying to get to the door. I was already panicking, but it only got worse when I reached the door and opened them, only to find the hallway pitch black just the same. There's no light anywhere.

Shit, shit, shit. What's going on?
Is someone here? Did someone break in?!

I closed the door, crying in fear. What do I do?


'Europe, huh? Do you reckon she'll really go?' Jin asks Namjoon

'I think that would be good. She needs to restart.'

'I'll kind of miss her not being around. None of you laugh at my jokes.' Hoseok chuckles

'Cause they're awful.' Jungkook laughs at him. 'But I'll miss her, too. She brings life into this place.'

'I know I won't miss her punching me in the face.' Taehyung snickers

'She sure got stronger.'

'You are awfully quiet, J. Won't you miss her?' Yoongi is really testing my patience lately

'I'm heading out. I've got things to do.' I got up, ready to avoid their inquisition, when the lights came off

'What date is it?' Namjoon asks calmly

'Should be april 15th.' Jin answers

'Ah, it's the reboot. Might as well go out and do something for the next 2 hours unless you want to be in the dark.'

Every few months, all of our alarms and systems in the place reboot themselves. That's how our security stays up and running. All the codes and such change to keep anyone out of the place. Curtesy of Namjoon. It takes a while, though, and the electricity gets cut off.

Crap. Rain.

'Shit.' I hit the table in the dark with my foot. That hurt

'Where are you going?'

'Rain! She's gonna panic!' I can't see well just yet, my eyes need to adjust, but she is gonna be scared to death

Luckily I know the house like the back of my hand so it didn't take much to get to her room. I jumped into her room, tapping around.

'Rain? Rain, it's me. Where are you?'

'Jimin?' I heard her sniffle somewhere

'Yeah, it's me. Where are you?' I ask again, slowly walking in

'I'm on the bed.' She whimpered. 'I'm scared.'

'I know you are. Just breathe.' I hit the bottom of the bed frame trying to get to her, but at least I got there.

I tapped around the bed, still not able to reach her. 'Come to me, Rain. Don't be scared.'

I heard her tiny sobs and rustling of the sheets as she moved about, and then I finally felt her hand.


'I'm here. I'm here.' I got on her bed, pulling her almost on myself, hugging her tightly. I held her close, feeling her heart beating fast in fear. She could barely breathe. She was wheezing for air in panic. I think she might be having a panic attack.

'Shhh, just breathe.' I pulled her face, hiding her in the crook of my neck, feeling her wrap herself around me closely

'Why-why are the lights-off?' She sobbed

'The security system is rebooting. It will last a while. It happens every few months. Everything is okay, don't worry.' I know she is terrified, but I am kind of happy. I get to hold her.

'Please don't leave me.' She cried, clutching my shirt

'I won't. I'll stay with you. Just breathe.'

It doesn't seem like she's calming down.
I placed my hand under her face, caressing her softly. 'You're okay. I promise.'

'I can't-breathe.' She wheezed

I can't... I can't listen to her crying.

Not a single thought came to my mind before I found my lips on hers.

I kissed her slowly, holding her as close as I could. She was in absolute shock, not knowing what's going on in the first few seconds, but then she kissed me back, hugging me around the neck.

I kept pulling on her, wanting her so much closer than she already was, and she was pretty much in my lap. I felt her fingers gripping on my shirt, pulling on it.

Only when she stopped panicking did I pull away, but I still held her, leaning my forehead on hers. I shouldn't be happy about this. I shouldn't do this.

'Jimin... why did you do this?'

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