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I figured it might take a while, but it was barely a few days in when he started hitting me. And it wasn't a light hit, either. He was putting some power behind it.
We kept a bin in the corner for when he would hit me so hard that I'd throw up. Like right now.

I'm not sure what hurt more. Throwing up or the fact that I had bruises all over. I feel like my ribs are broken. My arms and legs hurt. I feel like I'm missing teeth. He's killing me here.

'Come on. You can throw up later. Back up here.' Jungkook walked from over the other side of the ring

'I can't.' I wheeze. 'I had enough.' I wave my hand behind me, leaving my head to hang as I'm trying to breathe

'Do you think a person will stop purely because you're asking them to?' He came up behind me, lifting me on my feet. I could barely stand.

'Fight.' He punched me in the stomach, making me grunt and bend over

'I said fight.' He kicked me with a knee in the same spot, making me fall on the ground.

'Wait. Wait.' I felt blood in my mouth, turning myself into a ball

He crouched next to me, grabbing a handful of my hair, yanking my head up. 'From tomorrow on, I'm not gonna stop. I will knock you out every single time until you learn to work with pain. Got that?'

'She's on weapons tomorrow.'

Jungkook and I both looked towards the voice, finding Jimin standing there and watching, playing with his knife.

Not how I want to be seen. Beaten up and bloody, with Jungkook pulling my hair.

'I suppose she can rest one day.' Jungkook sighs and lets go of my hair. 'You can see yourself out when you're ready.'

He left the ring, leaving me in there on my own. I don't know if I should feel relieved that I'm not gonna fight tomorrow or scared that I need to wield a weapon.

I sat up, groaning in pain, just enjoying the silence on my own. They both left, leaving me alone in the place. And as much as I am in pain, I like it here. I'm comfortable being alone right now.

I did drag myself back to my room after a while, barely saying hello to anyone I walked past as I was too beaten up to even breathe.

Thank God for the bath because I can't stand long enough to shower.

Please, God, Buddha, whoever, help me out.


'Damn, you look like shit.' Taehyung chuckles at me as I sat down at the table

'I feel like shit.' I sigh. Looks like not many of us are in today. It's just Taehyung and Yoongi here

'Having a rough time?' He asks

'My eyelashes hurt. It's like I'm fighting a tank.' I can't even chew

'He's taking it easy. He gave me a concussion almost every time we fought. A fucking psychopath.' Yoongi sighs

'So you've all been through this? That makes me feel a bit better.' I chuckle a little

'Almost all of us. He tends to have issues with Namjoon.'

'Jimin, too. Didn't he put Jungkook out like a candle like 2 weeks ago?' Taehyung asks Yoongi, laughing

'Jimin? Seriously? How?!' Jimin is at least 15 kg lighter. Must be.

'Jimin is...' Taehyung was struggling to find the words, so Yoongi finished his sentence for him


'Sounds about right.' Taehyung nods in agreement

'Remember his initiation?' Yoongi asks him, almost giggling

'I don't remember. I was out before I knew what was going on.' Taehyung blows out

'Initiation?' I ask, listening to the two of them

'Did you think we just take in anyone?' Taehyung smirks. 'There is a reason why there are only 7 of us.'

'Our initiation is a bit brutal. You gotta prove you're worth being in here and then another one to prove your loyalty.' Yoongi explains

'How?' I am afraid to even ask

'We basically try to kill you, and if you survive, you're in. We lost quite a few haven't we?' Yoongi chuckles at Taehyung

'Sure have. And the loyalty part is... it's a bit much.' He sighs. 'You're often given a really tough choice. Having someone to eliminate and such.'

'And you all did it?'

'7 years ago now. Barely survived. Killed my own future wife.' Taehyung had a bit of a sad smile on his face

'8 years here. Brother down. Cheers to that.' Yoongi raises a glass at Taehyung, and they click the glasses, chuckling

'Why would you have to do all that?! That's crazy!' I can't believe they did all that

'My wife to be was a spy for the rival mafia. I just had no fucking clue. Did myself a favour. She was supposed to kill me, and she wasn't gonna stop.'

'And my brother was involved in something bad. Very bad. I actually had fun blowing him to pieces. He sold children.' Yoongi's face went into a grimace state. That truly is terrible

'And... Jimin?' I ask. 'You said he is inhuman. Why is that?'

'He was the last one to join. Only 4 years ago or so. He almost killed all 7 of us. I assume by now you've seen Jungkook's scar. That's where he got it. I got mine in my thigh. Yoongi here almost lost his eye.' Yoongi winks at me with the eye that had a scar on it. At least now I know where he got it

'And what about the elimination part?' I whisper

'He was given a name. A woman. She was an intermediate for child trafficking. He killed her. And another 5 people who were with her in that moment.' Taehyung explains. 'He didn't even bat an eye. He even calmly collected his knives and walked off like he never did a thing.'

'They deserved it.' Jimin's voice behind me made my blood freeze. 'Selling children. I should have cut them open and let them bleed out.'

'Could not agree more.' Yoongi agrees


'Is there a reason as to why you're prying into my life?' He cuts me off, staring me down

'It just... came up.' I mumble

'Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?' He asks again

'S-sure. Yeah.' I almost ran off, feeling all of them stare at me as I left. At the moment, not a thing hurt. I just needed to escape

That was uncomfortable.

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