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A day and a half passed before they got to anything. The longest day and a half in my life.

Is he alive?
Is he being tortured?
Is he dead?

Those were the most common thoughts in my head in amongst the million others as I could do nothing but wait.

'This is what we got.' Jin got everyone's attention, putting up everything they gathered on the big screen in the living room.

'This silver Hyundai, that's the car they drove off in. We have already checked the liscence plate, and they are not registered. They are fake, so we can't track it down.'

That was expected.

'They drove towards Daegu. The last cctv that picked them up was this road here.' Jungkook pointed at the screen, showing off the exit sign with the words Daegu on it. 'This was about 45 minutes after they took him.'

'Unfortunately, from this point on, there are no street cameras until Daegu. We checked through all the entrances and exits, but nothing came up. No silver Hyundai.'

'Are we sure they went to Daegu? Are there any other exits?' I ask, leaning a nit forward

'A few, but all of them lead to nowhere. Basically blind streets of sorts. Nothing but fields. No factories, hospitals... nothing of importance.' Namjoon answers

All three of them were visibly exhausted. Especially Namjoon. His dark circles under his eyes told me that he hadn't slept a wink. Jin also didn't seem the best. He might have gone over his disorientation, but he looks tired. He keeps blinking to keep himself awake. Jungkook is usually all happy and hyper, but he's been drinking coffee like water since yesterday. They all want to find him.

'How about the three of you get some sleep? I'll keep digging through.' I feel awful seeing how much they're trying

'We have to find them. No.' Jungkook argued right away

'You are not the only one who wants him back. He's been with us for almost 5 years. We consider him family. All of us. We want to find him just as much as you do.' Even Namjoon's voice is tired

'I know. But you can only do so much. And you are tired. You haven't slept. Nothing will come out of it if you overwork yourself. Let me help. He is my husband.'

'She has a point. Whether you want to admit it or not, the three of you look like shit.' Hoseok chuckles

'I feel like shit.' Jin sighs

'Let us handle it, and rest. If we find anything, we will call you.' Taehyung joins in

'I hate it when you're right.' Namjoon drowned his face in the palms of his hands, rubbing it to stay awake. He was obviously exhausted. 'I suppose we can leave this to you.'

'I think he's already on it.' Yoongi snickered, pointing at Jungkook, who was out cold. All he did was lean back on the couch, and he was asleep

'Good thing a tank can't wake this one up.' Jin scoffed tiredly, getting up from the couch. 'Call me the first thing if you find something.'

'Will do.' Hoseok agrees

The two of them waddled their way upstairs, their footsteps heavy as they dragged their feet behind them. They might be assasins, but they are not robots.

'Let's get cracking.' Taehyung cracked his neck and took a deep breath, placing Jungkook's laptop in front of him. 'I'll go through these again. Hoseok, take side roads. Rain, check over the entrance and exists of Daegu again. Yoongi-'

'I'm gonna look through Daegu. I grew up there. I know it like the back of my hand.' Yoongi cut him off

Taehyung only nodded at him, and we all got to work.

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