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'How far you've fallen, my angel.' Isuis's cocky smirk is permanently sewn into that punchable face

Almost identical to the last time, he was sitting across from me. Except this time, I was the chained up one. And it wasn't a dirty old torture room. It was a scientific lab. Or something of sorts.

Everything was white and bright. New. Expensive. Fridges with viles of all colours in them. And it is not the company we were on a path of shutting down. It is somewhere else. They drove me for almost an hour to this place. 

But what I find the most suspicios is the fact that he's not torturing me. They tied me up and haven't touched me. But even if I am being tortured, I'll happily take it as long as she's safe.

'Not a word for your father in law? That's a bit rude, I think.' Isui's sinister chuckle is honestly going on my nerves

'How are you alive?' If I'm gonna die, at least I can ask what I want

'I wondered the same, to be honest. It is a bit hazy for me, but I've been found floating around in the port only a bit after you left me. I guess the higher power decided to save me so I could exact my revenge.' He laughs

'Higher power?' I scoff. 'No higher power here. You're just a lucky piece of shit.'

'Take it as you will, but I'm here.' He shrugs, completely unbothered. 'But there is something else I wanted to talk about.'

He took a second to calm himself down because whatever it is that his sick mind has come up with, it made him laugh.

'Oh, sorry. I was just thinking how funny it is. You tortured Rain to get the information out of me. You called her a whore, then you married her, and now you've given yourself over willingy to save her. You actually love her.'

In my head, I just killed him in about 50 different ways. Just her name from his dirty mouth makes me want to rip him apart. 

'Come on. Not a word? We have a lot to catch up on.' He spoke again after I just ignored him

'Is there a point to all of this? If not, just kill me and get it over with. I'd rather be tortured than listen to you talking shit pointlessly.'

'I promised her I wouldn't touch you. No matter what I am, I keep my promises.' This didn't even sound like a joke. And unfortunately, he does tend to keep his promises, but there is always a loophole with them. 

'Then promise me you won't touch her. Do whatever you want with me. Just don't touch her.' I don't believe a word his mouth spwes, so I don't even know why I'm asking him this, but if I need to beg on my dying breath to save her, that's the least I can do.

'I can do that. I don't have any need for her. The chair you're sitting on means more to me than her right now. But, man to man, I give you my word. I won't lay a finger on her.' He nodded as if he meant it 

No matter what his voice sounds like and how serious he is, I don't trust it. But it's not like there's choice.

I'll never see her again. I'll never hold her again or see that mesmerising smile. But I guess I expected too much for myself. My happiness begins and ends with her. It had to end somewhere.

'But I must have forgotten to mention in my little promise...'

I raised my head back up to look at him in anticipation. What is he on about?

'...I said I wouldn't touch her. I never said a thing about you.' He smiles


A sharp, prickly feeling at the side of my neck made me wince. But before I got to ask, I felt like my tongue won't move. My lips closed shut, and I couldn't utter a word. It's like I'm paralysed.

Whatever. As long as she is safe, I'll take anything.

'You know, Jimin, in a better world, I would be happy that my daughter is with you. Which father wouldn't want her daughter to be so loved and protected? You are more than capable to protect her. But then again, you did conspire to kill me and betray me, so there goes the better world.' 

I heard his laughing through the fogginess of my mind. It's almost as if the lights are being dimmed, and my vision is getting darker. Even his voice in my ears is almost ringing. It's fading. Like I've been smacked over the head with something heavy, and I'm losing conscieousness. 

'Man, this is gonna be so much fun.' That psychotic laughter faded out note by note, becoming nothing more than a buzz in my mind

As my brain got fuzzy and dark, which only took moments, I felt the abyss of darkness drowning me in itself, pulling me under, and without being able to fight it off, I went with it, repeating only one thing in my tired mind over and over.

Rain, I love you.

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